SSB 5767
C 485 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Creating a homeless housing task force in each county.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators McAuliffe, Haugen, Keiser, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Fairley, Franklin, Shin, Berkey and Hargrove).
Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
House Committee on Housing
Background: It is believed that there is a need for solutions to homelessness at a local level. Current law does not require local governments to develop a plan for ending homelessness within their own boundaries. Further, there are concerns that lack of, or insufficient, notice relating to the siting of homeless facilities and temporary encampments places an unfair burden on the homeless persons planning to relocate to that area and the current members of that community.
Summary: Counties that opt to participate in the Homeless Housing Program must create a task
force to develop a ten-year plan, addressing short and long term housing solutions for the
homeless. Each task force must be comprised, among others, of representatives of the local
government, community businesses and residents, social and health care services, law
enforcement, schools, civic and faith organizations, and housing authorities, as well as a homeless
or former homeless individual.
As needed, each task force must establish guidelines, in addition to the plan to end homelessness,
for emergency shelters, temporary encampments, and supportive housing. The guidelines must
include provisions for public notice of proposed homeless facilities, as well as health and safety
standards for such facilities. Counties that already have an existing group focused on
homelessness are not required to create a new task force.
Counties may decline to participate in the program by forwarding a resolution to the Department
of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED), in which case the department will
contract with another non-profit entity to develop the county's plan. Local governments that
choose to participate may develop their 10-year plans individually, create a joint plan with other
local governments, or contract with another entity to develop the plan.
Each county must submit a report to CTED with information regarding their activities to comply
with the Homeless Housing Program.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 34 14
House 58 38 (House amended)
Senate 30 17 (Senate concurred)
Effective: July 24, 2005