SSB 5862

C 69 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Creating the association of Washington generals.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Pflug, Eide, Shin and Rasmussen; by request of Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State).

Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development
House Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture & Trade

Background: The Association of Washington Generals was formed in 1970 by Lt. Governor John Cherberg. It is a service organization which honors worthy citizens who make significant contributions to Washington. The association awards honorees a commission as a Washington General. Commissions are signed by the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Secretary of State. The association does not have authority to use the state flag or the state seal.

Summary: The Association of Washington Generals is organized as a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan corporation with the purpose of recognizing outstanding service to the state and bringing those individuals so recognized together to serve as ambassadors of trade, tourism, and international goodwill. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the Secretary of State are to serve on the association's board of directors as ex officio non-voting members.

The Lieutenant Governor's office may provide technical and financial assistance for the association. The association may use the image of the Washington State flag and retain any revenue generated by such use.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      49   0
House      91   3

Effective: July 24, 2005