SB 5869
C 87 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Concerning planting of certain trout.
Sponsors: Senators Swecker, Jacobsen, Oke, Spanel, Hargrove, Morton, Doumit, Stevens and Rasmussen.
Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation
House Committee on Natural Resources, Ecology & Parks
Background: The 1999 Legislature declared that it would be beneficial to improve opportunities
for trout fishing to satisfy public demand for recreational fishing opportunities. Fish farmers can
produce triploid trout that will not interbreed with wild trout. The triploid trout can be planted
into public lakes and ponds to increase recreational fishing opportunities, thus boosting tourism
and the economy.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) has the authority to purchase privately
produced fish to supplement existing trout hatchery production. The planting of the fish
purchased must not have an adverse impact on the wild trout population. The Fish and Wildlife
Commission (Commission) was given the authority to determine which water bodies were
appropriate for this use during 1999 and 2000. In making this determination, the Commission
was to seek to provide opportunities to fishers statewide. The Commission was also to determine
the maximum number of fish that may be planted in state waters to avoid competition between
triploid trout and wild populations.
The Department was only authorized to purchase privately produced fish where the cost of the
program would be recovered by estimated increases in revenues for license sales and from federal
funds directly attributable to the planting of these privately produced fish.
Summary: The Commission's authority to determine which waters are appropriate for the planting of triploid trout is no longer limited to the years 1999 and 2000. Additionally, the provision allowing the Department to purchase privately produced fish only where the cost of the program would be recovered by estimated increases in revenues for license sales and from federal funds is repealed.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 48 0
House 95 1
Effective: July 24, 2005