ESSB 6396
C 243 L 06
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Modifying the accumulation and use of sick leave accrued by part-time faculty.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research & Development (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl-Welles, Schmidt, Pridemore, Keiser, Franklin, Thibaudeau, Spanel and Jacobsen).
Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research & Development
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
House Committee on Higher Education & Workforce Education
House Committee on Appropriations
Background: In 1996, the Legislature passed SB 6583 directing the State Board for Community
and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) to convene a task force to conduct a best practices audit of
compensation packages and conditions of employment for part-time faculty. The Best Practices
Task Force reported to the Legislature in January 1997. One of the report's best practices states,
"The best practice is to develop/bargain a policy that provides some sick leave to adjunct faculty
who have a continuing relationship with the colleges."
As a result of this finding, the Legislature passed 2SSB 6811 in 2000, which established a sick
leave policy for part-time faculty on a pro-rata basis, as recommended by the Task Force.
Currently, part-time academic employees may accrue sick leave after their first quarter of
employment but community and technical colleges are not required to allow part-time academic
employees to accrue sick leave. There is no standard among the state community and technical
colleges as to how much leave may be accrued or whether the leave may be transferred.
Summary: Part-time academic employees must accumulate sick leave.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 47 1
House 97 1 (House amended)
Senate 45 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: June 7, 2006