SSB 6555

C 328 L 06
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Providing research and services for special purpose districts.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Prentice, Haugen, Mulliken, Berkey, Kastama and Rasmussen).

Senate Committee on Ways & Means
House Committee on Local Government
House Committee on Appropriations

Background: The Municipal Research Council provides research services to counties and cities and towns. A portion of the liquor tax is deposited into the county research services account and the city and town research services account. The amounts deposited are specified in the biennial operating appropriation act. The funds must only be used to support the research services provided by the council to the respective category of local government.

Summary: The bill adds special purpose districts as a category of local government that may be served by the Municipal Research Council. An additional portion of the liquor tax is transferred to the new special purpose district research services account. The amount would be specified in the biennial appropriations act. Funds from this account must only be spent on research for special purpose districts. The Municipal Research Council must report on the consulting and research services provided to special purpose districts to the Joint Legislative and Audit Review Committee by June 30, 2010.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      47   0
House      98   0   (House amended)
Senate      45   0   (Senate concurred)

Effective: June 7, 2006

Partial Veto Summary: The Governor vetoed section 3 which provided funding for the program through a change in the distribution of Liquor Revolving Fund Revenues. The Governor also vetoed section 139 of the operating budget (ESSB 6386) which appropriated these funds.