ESSB 6800
C 334 L 06
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Refining the roles of the transportation commission and department of transportation.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen, Jacobsen and Rockefeller; by request of Governor Gregoire).
Senate Committee on Transportation
House Committee on Transportation
Background: During the 2005 legislation session, ESB 5513 was enacted restructuring statewide
transportation governance. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) was
made a cabinet level agency and the Secretary of Transportation was appointed by the Governor,
serving at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary assumed authority previously directed to
the Washington Transportation Commission to propose the WSDOT agency budget and to
authorize departmental request legislation.
The commission retained certain authority, including statewide transportation planning, bond
issuance approval, serving as the state's tolling authority, setting ferry fares, and sharing
responsibility for project selection and funding. Additionally, the commission received an
expanded role as a public forum for transportation policy development.
The Transportation Performance Audit Board (TPAB) was granted separate authority to direct
performance audits, and its authority regarding directed agency reviews, and functional and
performance audits, was expanded to include certain local transportation entities. However, on
November 8, 2005, voters approved Initiative 900 requiring the State Auditor to conduct
performance audits of state and local governments, including "state and local transportation
governmental entities and each of their agencies, accounts, and programs . . . ." I-900 dedicates
a percentage of the state sales and use tax for this purpose. Additionally, the 2005 transportation
revenue bill (ESSB 6103) authorized the State Auditor to conduct performance audits for
transportation-related agencies and appropriated $4 million for this purpose.
Summary: The roles and responsibilities of WSDOT and the commission are revised.
WSDOT obtains the following responsibilities, in addition to various administrative duties, from
the commission: (1) approving bond issuance; and (2) adopting a functional classification of
highways, including the designation of highways of statewide significance.
The commission has the following responsibilities (among others):
The composition, and procedures, of the commission are revised as follows: (1) commissioners
may be removed by the Governor "for cause"; (2) the Governor, or his/her designee, is added as
a nonvoting member; (3) the specific partisan membership limitation is removed; (4) the required
minimum number of meeting days is revised; and (5) the maximum number of days for
reimbursement of expenses is revised.
The TPAB is repealed.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 39 0
House 57 4 (House amended)
Senate (Senate refused to concur)
House 83 1 (House amended)
Senate 43 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: July 1, 2006