SJM 8012

As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Government Operations & Elections, February 17, 2005

Brief Description: Asking that the federal government provide veterans' benefits owed to Filipino veterans.

Sponsors: Senators Prentice, Schmidt, Franklin, Rockefeller, Weinstein, Shin, Regala, Esser, Keiser, Doumit, Haugen, Johnson, Fairley, Benson, Kline, Hewitt, Poulsen, Fraser, Thibaudeau, Jacobsen, Rasmussen, Finkbeiner, Deccio, Pflug, Oke, Sheldon, Carrell, Schoesler, Pridemore, Honeyford, Stevens, Mulliken, McAuliffe and Kohl-Welles.

Brief History:

Committee Activity: Government Operations & Elections: 2/15/05, 2/17/05 [DP].


Majority Report: Do pass.Signed by Senators Kastama, Chair; Berkey, Vice Chair; Roach, Ranking Minority Member; Fairley, Haugen, Kline, McCaslin, Mulliken and Pridemore.

Staff: Cindy Fazio (786-7405)

Background: Under current law, Filipino veterans who served prior to October 6, 1945, in the Regular Philippine Scouts are entitled to all VA benefits under the same criteria as veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Regular Philippine Scouts, or "old scouts," were Filipino-manned special forces, units of the U.S. Army whose officers were Americans. Originally formed in 1901, long before any formal plan for Philippine independence, the Old Philippine Scouts were part of the U.S. Army throughout its existence. Three other Filipino armed services groups' eligibility is generally limited to certain benefits payable at a rate of 50 cents on the dollar. Those benefits include disability compensation, clothing allowance, and compensation for survivors of veterans who died in service or from a service-connected disability.

Summary of Bill: There is no pending legislation in the U.S. Congress that will restore full United States veterans status to Filipino WWII veterans; the Memorialists respectfully pray that the President and Congress of the United States, during the First Session of the 109th Congress, take action necessary to amend the 1946 Rescission Act and honor our country's moral obligation to restore these Filipino veterans full United States veterans status with the military benefits they deserve.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Committee/Commission/Task Force Created: No.

Testimony For: None.

Testimony Against: None.

Who Testified: No one.