SJM 8021

As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Government Operations & Elections, February 28, 2005

Brief Description: Honoring War Dogs.

Sponsors: Senators Oke, Eide, Swecker, Kastama, Schmidt, Roach, Benson, Brandland, Finkbeiner, Schoesler, Parlette, Esser, Delvin, Sheldon, Kohl-Welles, Kline, Rockefeller, Rasmussen, Thibaudeau and Shin.

Brief History:

Committee Activity: Government Operations & Elections: 2/28/05 [DP].


Majority Report: Do pass.Signed by Senators Kastama, Chair; Berkey, Vice Chair; Roach, Ranking Minority Member; Benton, Fairley, Haugen, Kline, McCaslin, Mulliken and Pridemore.

Staff: Cindy Fazio (786-7405)

Background: Over the course of the nation's history, tens of thousands of war dogs have served, and are serving on foreign battlefields. The dogs are specifically trained for jobs like, scout, sentry, tracker, mine detection, water patrol, search and rescue, and more. America's war dog teams have a long and legendary history of courage, heroism, and sacrifice on thousands of foreign fields of battle. The dogs are credited with saving countless numbers of lives of Americans, allies, and noncombatants.

A National War Dog Team memorial will give handlers and other soldiers who relied on war dogs for their safety and survival the opportunity to have an enduring tribute to their loyal and loving companions and protectors. War dog handlers have joined together to create and fund a fitting memorial to war dogs to be placed in Washington, D.C.

Summary of Bill: To the President and Congress of the United States, your memorialists respectfully pray you will take the necessary action to authorize the placement of the National War Dog Memorial in a location of honor in Washington, D.C.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Committee/Commission/Task Force Created: No.

Testimony For: None.

Testimony Against: None.

Who Testified: No one.