SJR 8207
As Passed Legislature
Brief Description: Changing the membership of the commission on judicial conduct.
Sponsors: Senators Kline, Esser, Hargrove, Carrell and Johnson.
Senate Committee on Judiciary
House Committee on Judiciary
Background: In 1980, voters approved an amendment to the Washington State Constitution creating an entity currently known as the Judicial Conduct Commission. The commission is given authority to investigate complaints against judges at all levels of the state's court system and to hold hearings to determine if a judge or justice should be disciplined for violation of a rule of judicial conduct. The commission is composed of 11 members, one of whom is a district court judge selected by all district court judges in the state. Municipal court judges have no representation on the commission but are subject to the authority of the commission. Judges of courts of limited jurisdiction include both district and municipal court judges.
Summary: A constitutional amendment is proposed which changes the description of the office held by one member of the commission on judicial conduct from "district" court judge to "limited jurisdiction" court judge. The commission member will be selected by and from judges of courts of limited jurisdiction instead of district courts.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 46 0
House 90 2