BILL REQ. #:  H-3115.2 


State of Washington59th Legislature2005 Regular Session

By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representative Sommers; by request of Office of Financial Management)

READ FIRST TIME 04/19/05.   

     AN ACT Relating to the nursing facility medicaid payment system; amending RCW 74.46.431 and 74.46.506; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.


Sec. 1   RCW 74.46.431 and 2004 c 276 s 913 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) Effective July 1, 1999, nursing facility medicaid payment rate allocations shall be facility-specific and shall have seven components: Direct care, therapy care, support services, operations, property, financing allowance, and variable return. The department shall establish and adjust each of these components, as provided in this section and elsewhere in this chapter, for each medicaid nursing facility in this state.
     (2) All component rate allocations for essential community providers as defined in this chapter shall be based upon a minimum facility occupancy of eighty-five percent of licensed beds, regardless of how many beds are set up or in use. For all facilities other than essential community providers, effective July 1, 2001, component rate allocations in direct care, therapy care, support services, variable return, operations, property, and financing allowance shall continue to be based upon a minimum facility occupancy of eighty-five percent of licensed beds. For all facilities other than essential community providers, effective July 1, 2002, the component rate allocations in operations, property, and financing allowance shall be based upon a minimum facility occupancy of ninety percent of licensed beds, regardless of how many beds are set up or in use. Effective July 1, 2005, a minimum occupancy factor shall not be applied to the direct care rate component for any facility.
     (3) Information and data sources used in determining medicaid payment rate allocations, including formulas, procedures, cost report periods, resident assessment instrument formats, resident assessment methodologies, and resident classification and case mix weighting methodologies, may be substituted or altered from time to time as determined by the department.
     (4)(a) Direct care component rate allocations shall be established using adjusted cost report data covering at least six months. Adjusted cost report data from 1996 will be used for October 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, direct care component rate allocations; adjusted cost report data from 1999 will be used for July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2005, direct care component rate allocations.
     (b) Direct care component rate allocations based on 1996 cost report data shall be adjusted annually for economic trends and conditions by a factor or factors defined in the biennial appropriations act. A different economic trends and conditions adjustment factor or factors may be defined in the biennial appropriations act for facilities whose direct care component rate is set equal to their adjusted June 30, 1998, rate, as provided in RCW 74.46.506(5)(i).
     (c) Direct care component rate allocations based on 1999 cost report data shall be adjusted annually for economic trends and conditions by a factor or factors defined in the biennial appropriations act. A different economic trends and conditions adjustment factor or factors may be defined in the biennial appropriations act for facilities whose direct care component rate is set equal to their adjusted June 30, 1998, rate, as provided in RCW 74.46.506(5)(i).
     (5)(a) Therapy care component rate allocations shall be established using adjusted cost report data covering at least six months. Adjusted cost report data from 1996 will be used for October 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, therapy care component rate allocations; adjusted cost report data from 1999 will be used for July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2005, therapy care component rate allocations.
     (b) Therapy care component rate allocations shall be adjusted annually for economic trends and conditions by a factor or factors defined in the biennial appropriations act.
     (6)(a) Support services component rate allocations shall be established using adjusted cost report data covering at least six months. Adjusted cost report data from 1996 shall be used for October 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, support services component rate allocations; adjusted cost report data from 1999 shall be used for July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2005, support services component rate allocations.
     (b) Support services component rate allocations shall be adjusted annually for economic trends and conditions by a factor or factors defined in the biennial appropriations act.
     (7)(a) Operations component rate allocations shall be established using adjusted cost report data covering at least six months. Adjusted cost report data from 1996 shall be used for October 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, operations component rate allocations; adjusted cost report data from 1999 shall be used for July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2005, operations component rate allocations.
     (b) Operations component rate allocations shall be adjusted annually for economic trends and conditions by a factor or factors defined in the biennial appropriations act.
     (8) For July 1, 1998, through September 30, 1998, a facility's property and return on investment component rates shall be the facility's June 30, 1998, property and return on investment component rates, without increase. For October 1, 1998, through June 30, 1999, a facility's property and return on investment component rates shall be rebased utilizing 1997 adjusted cost report data covering at least six months of data.
     (9) Total payment rates under the nursing facility medicaid payment system shall not exceed facility rates charged to the general public for comparable services.
     (10) Medicaid contractors shall pay to all facility staff a minimum wage of the greater of the state minimum wage or the federal minimum wage.
     (11) The department shall establish in rule procedures, principles, and conditions for determining component rate allocations for facilities in circumstances not directly addressed by this chapter, including but not limited to: The need to prorate inflation for partial-period cost report data, newly constructed facilities, existing facilities entering the medicaid program for the first time or after a period of absence from the program, existing facilities with expanded new bed capacity, existing medicaid facilities following a change of ownership of the nursing facility business, facilities banking beds or converting beds back into service, facilities temporarily reducing the number of set-up beds during a remodel, facilities having less than six months of either resident assessment, cost report data, or both, under the current contractor prior to rate setting, and other circumstances.
     (12) The department shall establish in rule procedures, principles, and conditions, including necessary threshold costs, for adjusting rates to reflect capital improvements or new requirements imposed by the department or the federal government. Any such rate adjustments are subject to the provisions of RCW 74.46.421.
     (13) Effective July 1, 2001, medicaid rates shall continue to be revised downward in all components, in accordance with department rules, for facilities converting banked beds to active service under chapter 70.38 RCW, by using the facility's increased licensed bed capacity to recalculate minimum occupancy for rate setting. However, for facilities other than essential community providers which bank beds under chapter 70.38 RCW, after May 25, 2001, medicaid rates shall be revised upward, in accordance with department rules, in direct care, therapy care, support services, and variable return components only, by using the facility's decreased licensed bed capacity to recalculate minimum occupancy for rate setting, but no upward revision shall be made to operations, property, or financing allowance component rates. The direct care rate component allocation shall be adjusted, without using the minimum occupancy threshold, for facilities that convert banked beds to active service, under chapter 70.38 RCW, on or after July 1, 2005.
     (14) Facilities obtaining a certificate of need or a certificate of need exemption under chapter 70.38 RCW after June 30, 2001, must have a certificate of capital authorization in order for (a) the depreciation resulting from the capitalized addition to be included in calculation of the facility's property component rate allocation; and (b) the net invested funds associated with the capitalized addition to be included in calculation of the facility's financing allowance rate allocation.

Sec. 2   RCW 74.46.506 and 2001 1st sp.s. c 8 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) The direct care component rate allocation corresponds to the provision of nursing care for one resident of a nursing facility for one day, including direct care supplies. Therapy services and supplies, which correspond to the therapy care component rate, shall be excluded. The direct care component rate includes elements of case mix determined consistent with the principles of this section and other applicable provisions of this chapter.
     (2) Beginning October 1, 1998, the department shall determine and update quarterly for each nursing facility serving medicaid residents a facility-specific per-resident day direct care component rate allocation, to be effective on the first day of each calendar quarter. In determining direct care component rates the department shall utilize, as specified in this section, minimum data set resident assessment data for each resident of the facility, as transmitted to, and if necessary corrected by, the department in the resident assessment instrument format approved by federal authorities for use in this state.
     (3) The department may question the accuracy of assessment data for any resident and utilize corrected or substitute information, however derived, in determining direct care component rates. The department is authorized to impose civil fines and to take adverse rate actions against a contractor, as specified by the department in rule, in order to obtain compliance with resident assessment and data transmission requirements and to ensure accuracy.
     (4) Cost report data used in setting direct care component rate allocations shall be 1996 and 1999, for rate periods as specified in RCW 74.46.431(4)(a).
     (5) Beginning October 1, 1998, the department shall rebase each nursing facility's direct care component rate allocation as described in RCW 74.46.431, adjust its direct care component rate allocation for economic trends and conditions as described in RCW 74.46.431, and update its medicaid average case mix index, consistent with the following:
     (a) Reduce total direct care costs reported by each nursing facility for the applicable cost report period specified in RCW 74.46.431(4)(a) to reflect any department adjustments, and to eliminate reported resident therapy costs and adjustments, in order to derive the facility's total allowable direct care cost;
     (b) Divide each facility's total allowable direct care cost by its adjusted resident days for the same report period, increased if necessary to a minimum occupancy of eighty-five percent; that is, the greater of actual or imputed occupancy at eighty-five percent of licensed beds, to derive the facility's allowable direct care cost per resident day. However, effective July 1, 2005, and for all future rate setting, each facility's allowable direct care costs shall be divided by its adjusted resident days without application of a minimum occupancy threshold;
     (c) Adjust the facility's per resident day direct care cost by the applicable factor specified in RCW 74.46.431(4) (b) and (c) to derive its adjusted allowable direct care cost per resident day;
     (d) Divide each facility's adjusted allowable direct care cost per resident day by the facility average case mix index for the applicable quarters specified by RCW 74.46.501(7)(b) to derive the facility's allowable direct care cost per case mix unit;
     (e) Effective for July 1, 2001, rate setting, divide nursing facilities into at least two and, if applicable, three peer groups: Those located in nonurban counties; those located in high labor-cost counties, if any; and those located in other urban counties;
     (f) Array separately the allowable direct care cost per case mix unit for all facilities in nonurban counties; for all facilities in high labor-cost counties, if applicable; and for all facilities in other urban counties, and determine the median allowable direct care cost per case mix unit for each peer group;
     (g) Except as provided in (i) of this subsection, from October 1, 1998, through June 30, 2000, determine each facility's quarterly direct care component rate as follows:
     (i) Any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is less than eighty-five percent of the facility's peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall be assigned a cost per case mix unit equal to eighty-five percent of the facility's peer group median, and shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's assigned cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (ii) Any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is greater than one hundred fifteen percent of the peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall be assigned a cost per case mix unit equal to one hundred fifteen percent of the peer group median, and shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's assigned cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (iii) Any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is between eighty-five and one hundred fifteen percent of the peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's allowable cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (h) Except as provided in (i) of this subsection, from July 1, 2000, forward, and for all future rate setting, determine each facility's quarterly direct care component rate as follows:
     (i) Through June 30, 2005, any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is less than ninety percent of the facility's peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall be assigned a cost per case mix unit equal to ninety percent of the facility's peer group median, and shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's assigned cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c). From July 1, 2005, forward, and for all future rate setting, any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is less than or equal to one hundred ten percent of the facility's peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's allowable cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (ii) Any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is greater than one hundred ten percent of the peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall be assigned a cost per case mix unit equal to one hundred ten percent of the peer group median, and shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's assigned cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (iii) Through June 30, 2005, any facility whose allowable cost per case mix unit is between ninety and one hundred ten percent of the peer group median established under (f) of this subsection shall have a direct care component rate allocation equal to the facility's allowable cost per case mix unit multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c);
     (i)(i) Between October 1, 1998, and June 30, 2000, the department shall compare each facility's direct care component rate allocation calculated under (g) of this subsection with the facility's nursing services component rate in effect on September 30, 1998, less therapy costs, plus any exceptional care offsets as reported on the cost report, adjusted for economic trends and conditions as provided in RCW 74.46.431. A facility shall receive the higher of the two rates.
     (ii) Between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2002, the department shall compare each facility's direct care component rate allocation calculated under (h) of this subsection with the facility's direct care component rate in effect on June 30, 2000. A facility shall receive the higher of the two rates. Between July 1, 2001, and June 30, 2002, if during any quarter a facility whose rate paid under (h) of this subsection is greater than either the direct care rate in effect on June 30, 2000, or than that facility's allowable direct care cost per case mix unit calculated in (d) of this subsection multiplied by that facility's medicaid average case mix index from the applicable quarter specified in RCW 74.46.501(7)(c), the facility shall be paid in that and each subsequent quarter pursuant to (h) of this subsection and shall not be entitled to the greater of the two rates.
     (iii) Effective July 1, 2002, all direct care component rate allocations shall be as determined under (h) of this subsection.
     (6) The direct care component rate allocations calculated in accordance with this section shall be adjusted to the extent necessary to comply with RCW 74.46.421.
     (7) Payments resulting from increases in direct care component rates, granted under authority of RCW 74.46.508(1) for a facility's exceptional care residents, shall be offset against the facility's examined, allowable direct care costs, for each report year or partial period such increases are paid. Such reductions in allowable direct care costs shall be for rate setting, settlement, and other purposes deemed appropriate by the department.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3   This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2005.

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