BILL REQ. #: H-1440.1
State of Washington | 59th Legislature | 2005 Regular Session |
Read first time 02/15/2005. Referred to Committee on Education.
AN ACT Relating to creating a joint task force on K-12 finance; creating new sections; and providing an expiration date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that more than a
quarter of a century has passed since the current school finance system
was first created, and that the challenges facing our schools and
students have grown and changed dramatically during that time. The
legislature intends to examine the school finance system to determine
whether it is appropriately linked to the demands of education reform
and to the goal of providing all children in the state the opportunity
to meet standards.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 (1) The joint task force on K-12 finance is
created to study the common school finance system and to develop
alternative funding models for that finance system. The alternatives
shall include one or more models that can be fully funded within the
existing total federal, state, and local capital and operating
expenditures for public schools and may include alternatives that
require new or additional funding.
(2) The task force shall, at a minimum:
(a) Consider the constitutional and legal requirements underlying
the current finance system;
(b) Compare Washington's common school funding system with those in
other states that are beginning to link finance systems with education
reform and expected levels of student achievement;
(c) Design alternative common school finance systems for Washington
that reflect principles that include but need not be limited to the
(i) The finance system should be aligned with the policy
expectations and goals established under education reform;
(ii) Funds should be distributed equitably so that all children
have the opportunity to meet the state's academic standards and become
prepared for postsecondary education, including career and technical
(iii) Staffing should be recognized as a key component of school
district costs, including the number of and compensation for
certificated instructional staff, certificated administrative staff,
and classified staff;
(iv) Stable and predictable basic education funding should be
provided by the state to school districts;
(v) Local flexibility and choice in program delivery at the
district and school levels should be enhanced;
(vi) The level of local funding beyond the state's basic education
allocations should be determined by local districts and taxpayers; and
(vii) Accountability for taxpayers that focuses on levels of
student achievement should be provided;
(d) Design one or more alternative compensation models that attract
and retain high performing teachers in all Washington schools and in
all academic subject areas and, in addition, may do one or more of the
(i) Reward teachers for improving their skills and knowledge in a
manner that translates into improved student learning; and
(ii) Recognize regional cost-of-living differences as well as
recruitment challenges facing rural schools and schools with large
numbers of educationally disadvantaged students; and
(e) Review the role of noncertificated staff and the appropriate
types of compensation for these staff.
(3) The task force shall consist of the following members:
(a) Four members from the house of representatives, two from each
major caucus, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
(b) Four members from the senate, two from each major caucus,
appointed by the president of the senate;
(c) The superintendent of public instruction or the
superintendent's designee; and
(d) The governor or the governor's designee.
(4) The task force shall create an advisory committee that includes
but need not be limited to: Educators, principals, administrators,
school directors, parents, educational service districts, organizations
representing employers and employees, the Gates foundation, and the
University of Washington center for reinventing education.
(5) The chair shall be appointed by the governor.
(6) The task force shall select the persons or entities to conduct
various components of the study and shall approve the expenditure of
(7) Appointments to the task force shall be completed within thirty
days of the effective date of this section.
(8) The task force shall receive staff and logistical support from
the office of financial management, the office of the superintendent of
public instruction, the office of program research of the house of
representatives, and senate committee services.
(9) Legislative members of the task force shall be reimbursed for
travel expenses as provided in RCW 44.04.120. Other members of the
task force and the members of the advisory committee may be reimbursed
for travel expenses by the agencies or organizations that appointed or
nominated them.
(10) The task force shall report findings and recommendations to
the legislature by October 1, 2006.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 This act expires June 30, 2007.