HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.2005-4647, by Representative Williams

     WHEREAS, Our state, and Thurston County in particular, have been profoundly impacted by the dedication, individuality, and energy with which Evalyn Poff has served her community; and
     WHEREAS, Principles of paramount importance to our nation and to our state have been advanced by Evalyn Poff in her service to the ideals of education and democracy; and
     WHEREAS, The many and various successes of Evalyn Poff, who, among other equally impressive accomplishments holds two master's degrees, has performed as a professional trapeze artist, and has performed many activities that greatly enrich the character of our community; and
     WHEREAS, Many people have benefited by Evalyn's dry wit, intelligence, and congeniality; and
     WHEREAS, A woman of significant achievement in higher education at a time of limited educational opportunities for women, and always a person of strength in mind, body, and spirit, Evalyn Poff is an exemplary role model for women; and
     WHEREAS, Evalyn Poff has been a session employee of the Washington State House of Representatives for seven years, including the 2005 session; and
     WHEREAS, No less active in the community at 85 than in previous years, freely giving music lessons to local children, working with the Washington State Legislative Information Center, and actively being involved in public affairs including service on the Thurston County Human Resources Review Council, Evalyn Poff is an exemplary role model for seniors; and
     WHEREAS, We all have much to learn from the example that Evalyn Poff has set for us;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of Washington recognize that Evalyn Poff has given the State of Washington, and Thurston County in particular, over twenty-five years of honorable citizenship and service; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives express our profound thanks to Evalyn Poff for her many great contributions to Thurston County and the State of Washington.

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4647 adopted by the House of Representatives
March 17, 2005

Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk