HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.2005-4648, by Representatives Linville, Dunn, Morris, Kenney, Grant, Clibborn, Morrell, Kilmer, Eickmeyer, Haler, Buri, Wallace, Quall, P. Sullivan, Chase, Appleton, B. Sullivan, Kristiansen, Kretz, Newhouse, Condotta, Strow and Skinner

     WHEREAS, Since 1973, National Agriculture Week has showcased the important contributions of agriculture to the economy of the United States; and
     WHEREAS, Washington state's agriculture industry is diversified and productive and provides a secure food supply to our citizens; and
     WHEREAS, Thirty-five thousand farms in Washington produce 250 different commodities, with an annual farm gate value approaching $6 billion; and
     WHEREAS, Washington is the nation's number one producer of apples, hops, lentils, sweet cherries, pears, Concord grapes, red raspberries, and spearmint oil; and
     WHEREAS, One-third of our state's commodity production is exported annually, making Washington the third largest exporter of food and agricultural products in the United States; and
     WHEREAS, Agriculture, food processing, and related industries employ 170,000 people in rural and urban areas of our state, with wages and salaries exceeding three billion dollars;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the agriculture industry as a historic, continuing force for economic vitality in Washington state; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the members of the House of Representatives invite the public to join them in celebrating Agriculture Day on March 17, 2005, as designated by Governor Christine Gregoire, by purchasing agricultural products "from the heart of Washington."

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4648 adopted by the House of Representatives
March 17, 2005

Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk