WHEREAS, Jack B. and Ramona S. Cole led the state's oldest grocery
company, Brown & Cole Stores, for over 30 years; and
WHEREAS, Both contributed to their community in many ways and were
so honored, in part, by having been named Living Treasures by the city
of Bellingham; and
WHEREAS, Jack and Ramona served their country during World War II:
Jack in active duty in the European theatre, and Ramona in the war
efforts at home; and
WHEREAS, They raised a family that carries on their legacy of
service; and
WHEREAS, Their business, Brown & Cole Stores, now in its 97th year,
is an outstanding example of corporate citizenship; and
WHEREAS, They lived their values of integrity, hard work, customer
satisfaction, equality for all, and the importance of education; and
WHEREAS, Jack became an English-as-a-second-language tutor
following his retirement, continuing to serve his community; and
WHEREAS, Both Jack and Ramona were much beloved by all who knew
them for their warmth and humor; and
WHEREAS, After 65 years of marriage, Jack B. Cole passed away on
November 4, 2005, and Ramona S. Cole passed away on January 22, 2006;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
commend the life, work, and dedication of Jack and Ramona Cole and
their commitment and service to Whatcom County, Washington State, and
the United States of America; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to the family of Jack and Ramona Cole.