WHEREAS, The students selected for special recognition as
Washington Scholars and Washington Scholars-Alternates in 2006 have
distinguished themselves as exceptional students, student leaders, and
as talented and enthusiastic participants in many diverse activities
including art, debate, drama, honor societies, interscholastic sports,
Junior Achievement, knowledge competitions, music, and student
government; and
WHEREAS, These exemplary students have also contributed to the
welfare of those less fortunate in their neighborhoods through
volunteer efforts with community service organizations such as the
United Way, Special Olympics, March of Dimes, Big Brothers, Big
Sisters, community food drives, senior centers, scouting, and church
groups; and
WHEREAS, The state of Washington benefits greatly from the
accomplishments of these caring and gifted individuals, not only in
their roles as students, but also as citizens, role models for other
young people, and future leaders of our communities and our state; and
WHEREAS, Through the Washington Scholars Program, the Governor, the
Legislature, and the state's citizens have an opportunity to recognize
and honor three outstanding seniors from each of the state's forty-nine
legislative districts (2 Scholars and 1 Alternate) for the students'
exceptional academic achievements, leadership abilities, and
contributions to their communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
honor and congratulate the Washington Scholars and Washington Scholars-Alternates for their hard work, dedication, contributions, and maturity
in achieving this significant accomplishment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the families of these students be
commended for the encouragement and support they have provided to the
scholars; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the principals, teachers, and
classmates of these highly esteemed students be recognized for the
important part they played in helping the scholars to learn,
contribute, lead, and excel; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to each of the Washington Scholars and Washington
Scholars-Alternates selected in 2006.