BILL REQ. #: S-1796.5
State of Washington | 59th Legislature | 2005 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to establishing the future of Washington forests review council; creating new sections; and making appropriations.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The future of Washington forests review
council is established. The purpose of the council is to: (1) Gather
data necessary to understanding the economic, recreational, and
environmental contributions of the forest products industry and
secondary manufacturing sectors in Washington state and the trends that
will influence the industry in the future; and (2) develop
recommendations for policy changes that will contribute to maintaining
the economic stability and growth of the forest products industry in
Washington state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 The future of Washington forests review
council is composed of the following members: The governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the commissioner of public lands.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 The future of Washington forests review
council is directed and authorized, subject to funding in the omnibus
appropriations act, to commission the following studies:
(1) An update of the 1992 timber supply study for Washington state
that was done by the University of Washington. The update must be
conducted using the same fundamental processes, methodology, and
assumptions as the 1992 study, and using the same data gathering
methodology as the original study. The department of natural resources
is directed to fully cooperate with the update process and provide the
data from the recently completed sustained yield calculation process.
The council is directed to assemble a team of public and private forest
inventory and analysis specialists to develop the specific work plan
for the timber supply update and work with the vendor to ensure that
the data and analysis are collected in the appropriate fashion.
(2) An independent assessment of the economic contribution of the
forest products industry, and secondary manufacturing sectors, to the
state of Washington. This assessment will also examine some of the
macroeconomic trends likely to affect the industry in the future.
(3) A comparison of the competitive position of Washington's forest
products industry globally, and with other leading forest products
states, or regions, of the United States. This evaluation should
compare the relative tax burden for growing and harvesting timber
between the states or regions, the relative cost of adhering to
regulations, and identify the competitive advantages of each state or
region. The council is directed to assemble a team of public and
private sector experts and economists to fully develop the work plan
and work with the vendor to ensure the data and analysis are of high
(4) An assessment of the trends and dynamics that commercial and
residential development play in the conversion of Washington state's
forests to nonforestry uses. The assessment will involve gathering
relevant data, reviewing that data, and analyzing the relationship
between development and the conversion of forest land uses.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 The future of Washington forests review
council may form one or more technical advisory committees to assist
the council in assembling and understanding recently completed studies
or analysis that will assist the council in accomplishing its task.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the legislative task force on
forest health, the joint legislative audit and review committee study
on forest fire fighting costs, the forest practices board's
environmental impact statement for changes in forest practices under
forest and fish, the board of natural resources' environmental impact
statement for the department of natural resources' sustained yield
level, and the recently completed economic analysis of the Oregon
forest sector contributions and potential by the Oregon forest
resources institute. The council may also form a technical advisory
committee to provide input on issues that arise during the course of
their review.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 The future of Washington forests review
council shall review all of the information gathered in sections 3 and
4 of this act. The council will summarize the current and potential
roles of nonfederal forests, and their contributions to Washington
state's economy, quality of life, recreation, environmental quality,
and rural vitality over the next fifty years. Based on this review,
the council shall develop recommendations on: (1) Policy changes that
would enhance the competitive position of Washington's forest products
industry in Washington state; (2) policy changes that would, to the
extent possible, ensure that a productive forest land base continues to
be managed for forest products, recreation, and environmental and other
public benefits into the future; and (3) policy changes that would
enhance the recreational opportunities on working forest lands in
Washington state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 (1) The legislature finds that the western
slopes of the Cascade mountain range in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish,
King, Pierce, Thurston, and Lewis counties are experiencing increasing
demands for a wide range of uses by the growing population in the Puget
Sound basin. These lands provide important economic, forest, fish and
wildlife, recreation, scenic, educational, and watershed benefits to
the entire region. The legislature further finds that it is in the
public's interest to assist Cascade foothills area landowners and
communities in retaining responsible, working forestry in the lower
elevations of this area to sustain timber-dependent economies while
acknowledging ecological and environmental benefits from the forests.
(2) In addition to the findings and recommendations in section 5 of
this act, the future of Washington forests review council shall analyze
and recommend policies and programs to assist Cascade foothills area
landowners and communities in developing and implementing innovative
approaches to retaining traditional forestry while at the same time
accommodating new uses that strengthen the economic and natural
benefits from forest lands. For the purposes of this section, the
Cascade foothills area generally encompasses the nonurbanized lands
within the Cascade mountain range and drainages lying between three
hundred and three thousand feet above mean sea level, and located
within the counties of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce,
Thurston, and Lewis counties.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 The future of Washington forests review
council shall report the findings and recommendations required by
sections 5 and 6 of this act to the appropriate policy and fiscal
committees of the senate and house of representatives by December 31,
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8 The future of Washington forests review
council must be staffed by the governor's office, the office of
financial management, and the department of natural resources.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 The future of Washington forests review
council and its powers and duties terminate June 30, 2008.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10 (1) The sum of one hundred thousand
dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, from the general fund to the
governor's office for the purposes of this act.
(2) The sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2007, from the general fund to the governor's office for the purposes
of this act.