By Senators Stevens, McCaslin, Eide, Pflug, McAuliffe, Rasmussen, Schmidt, Regala, Morton, Brandland, Hewitt, Oke, Spanel, Parlette, Zarelli, Johnson, Schoesler, Benton, Honeyford, Deccio, Hargrove, Esser, Carrell, Keiser, Franklin, Swecker, Benson, Brown, Mulliken, Roach, Delvin, Thibaudeau, Kohl-Welles and Fraser

     WHEREAS, The State of Washington recognizes the critical importance and fundamental right of parents to be actively involved in the direction of their children's education and character development; and
     WHEREAS, Home schools provide families the opportunity for their children to receive a sound academic education that is reinforced by the at-home educational process; and
     WHEREAS, Studies confirm that children who are educated at home score exceptionally well on nationally normed achievement tests, exhibit self-confidence and good citizenship, and are fully prepared to meet the challenge of today's society; and
     WHEREAS, Some parent educators devote countless hours to helping their children attain academic excellence, a deep sense of patriotism, and civic responsibility and prepare them to become productive citizens; and
     WHEREAS, Over seventy-four percent of home-educated adults age eighteen through twenty-four have taken, or are currently taking, college-level courses, compared to forty-six percent of the general United States population; and
     WHEREAS, The State of Washington recognizes, by law, a family's right to educate its children at home as a legitimate and viable educational alternative; and
     WHEREAS, Many notable Americans have been the product of home education, including George and Martha Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Douglas MacArthur, Pearl S. Buck, Franklin Roosevelt, Patrick Henry, John Marshall, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, and Woodrow Wilson; and
     WHEREAS, Some parents of students who home school have accepted an additional financial responsibility to provide for their children's education, while at the same time paying taxes that support Washington's public school system; and
     WHEREAS, It is estimated that home education families save the American taxpayers over ten billion dollars per year; and
     WHEREAS, It is appropriate that Washington's home-educating families be recognized for their selfless contribution to the quality of education in this great state;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Washington hereby honor, thank, and celebrate the home-educating families in the state.

I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8622,
adopted by the Senate
March 16, 2005

Secretary of the Senate