WHEREAS, Over the course of our nation's military history, tens of
thousands of war dogs served during World War I, World War II, Korea,
Vietnam, the Gulf War, Bosnia, Kosovo peacekeeping operations, and
coalition operations in Afghanistan and Iraq; and
WHEREAS, These war dogs were specifically trained for jobs like
scout, sentry, tracker, mine and booby trap detection, tunnel, water
patrol, coast guard, messenger, and search and rescue; and
WHEREAS, American's war dog teams have a long and legendary history
of courage, heroism, and sacrifice on thousands of foreign fields of
battle and are credited with saving countless numbers of lives of
Americans, allies, and noncombantants; and
WHEREAS, War dogs have significantly reduced the enemy's capacity
to sabotage or destroy war equipment worth billions of dollars; and
WHEREAS, War dogs work for food, water, and the love, loyalty, and
bond of their handlers; and
WHEREAS, At the end of World War II the thousands of military
working dogs were hailed as heroes and discharged from the military
service and returned to the United States where many were repatriated
with the families that donated them, while others were released to the
custody of their handlers to live the rest of their lives in peace; and
WHEREAS, During the Vietnam War all dogs were classified as
equipment and deemed expendable and most of the surviving dogs were
either transferred to the South Vietnam Army for duty or euthanized;
WHEREAS, The loving bond and extreme loyalty between dog and
handler is unconditional and immeasurable and it was extremely
difficult for the handlers in Vietnam to leave their dogs behind; and
WHEREAS, Veteran and current war dog handlers have joined together
to create and fund a fitting memorial to war dogs to be placed in
Washington, D.C.; and
WHEREAS, War dog handlers are asking Congress for permission to
place the National War Dog Team Memorial in a place of honor in
Washington, D.C.; and
WHEREAS, The National War Dog Team Memorial will give war dog
handlers and other soldiers who relied on war dogs for their safety and
survival the opportunity to have an enduring tribute to their loyal and
loving companions and protectors;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate officially
recognize the courage and dedication of war dogs and the
appropriateness of a fitting memorial to war dog teams in our nation's
capital; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be delivered
to all members of Washington State's congressional delegation and to
the Washington State representative of the National War Dog Team
Memorial, Mr. Bill Shoap of Port Orchard, Washington.