WHEREAS, Babies are the world's sweetest miracles who fill our
hearts with happiness and touch our lives with love; and
WHEREAS, Each precious child brings new hope for a happier, more
peaceful world; and
WHEREAS, Dane Anders Benson, born March 12, 2004, to Ashley Benson,
is the new grandson of Senator Brad and Jill Benson; and
WHEREAS, Simone Alexandra Pollock, born July 18, 2004, to Kathryn
and Christopher Pollock, is the new great-granddaughter of Senator Alex
and Lucille Deccio; and
WHEREAS, Isabel Marie Badley, born May 19, 2004, to Matt and Heidi
Badley, is the new granddaughter of Senator Mary Margaret Haugen and
husband Basil Badley; and
WHEREAS, Katherine Anneliese Honeyford, born October 23, 2004, to
Jim and Michelle Honeyford, is the new granddaughter of Senator Jim and
Jerri Honeyford; and
WHEREAS, Beau Stephen Joseph Johnson, born June 28, 2004, to Tom
and Juli Johnson, is the new grandson of Senator Stephen L. and Lynn
Johnson; and
WHEREAS, Sophie Alice Garfunkle, born August 23, 2004, to Matt and
Genevieve Kline Garfunkle, is the new granddaughter of Senator Adam
Kline and Laura Gene Middaugh; and
WHEREAS, Sophia Rose McAuliffe, born March 8, 2004, to John
McAuliffe and Lisa Priestman, is the new granddaughter of Senator
Rosemary and James McAuliffe; and
WHEREAS, Mariah May Lucy, born May 24, 2004, to Sam and Brooke
Lucy, is the new granddaughter of Senator Linda and Robert Parlette;
WHEREAS, Camille Jean Roach, born March 8, 2005, to Representative
Dan and Melanie Roach, and Mercedes Anna Roach, born March 11, 2005, to
John and Claire Roach, are the new granddaughters of Senator Pam and
Jim Roach; and
WHEREAS, Royal Albert Curtis Stevens, born March 24, 2005, to
Curtis and Rosie Stevens, is the new grandson of Senator Val and Keith
Stevens; and
WHEREAS, Logan Michael Matthews, born August 26, 2004, to Travis
and Jenny Matthews, is the new grandson of Senator Dan and Debby
WHEREAS, Kaden Chase Miller, born May 11, 2004, to Mary and Russ
Miller, is the new grandson of Senator Marilyn Rasmussen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate
hereby welcome the 2005 Session Babies born to the children of members
of the Senate; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate wish all
the blessings of life for Dane, Simone, Isabel, Katherine, Beau,
Sophie, Sophia, Mariah, Camille, Mercedes, Royal, and Logan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Senators Benson, Deccio, Haugen,
Honeyford, Johnson, Kline, McAuliffe, Parlette, Roach, Stevens, and
Swecker each be given an official copy of this resolution to be placed
in the baby book of his or her 2005 Session Grandbaby.