By Senators Kohl-Welles, Pridemore, McAuliffe, Schmidt, Carrell, Berkey, Shin, Eide, Kastama, Jacobsen, Poulsen, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Haugen, Delvin and Pflug

     WHEREAS, People of all ethnicities and backgrounds live in Washington state, sharing their traditions, histories, and cultures with the citizens of our state; and
     WHEREAS, The state of Washington recognizes the great cultural contributions made by the many generations and individuals of Norwegian descent residing in our state, specifically in Ballard; and
     WHEREAS, Since 1889, the greater Seattle area has joined in celebrating Norway's Constitution Day on the 17th of May by hosting a 17th of May, or "Syttende Mai," Festival and parade in Ballard to honor the day in 1814 when Norway declared its independence by signing its constitution; and
     WHEREAS, The Ballard May 17th parade is one of the largest ethnic parades in the United States and the largest May 17th Parade outside of Oslo, Norway; and
     WHEREAS, On the 17th of May the Ballard community will join together to participate in a wide range of cultural festivities and events in celebration of all that is Norwegian;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor Norway's National Day, May 17, 2005, and encourage all citizens of Washington state to join in celebrating the culture and heritage of Norway; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the Norwegian 17th of May Committee and to the Nordic Heritage Museum.

I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8664,
adopted by the Senate
March 29, 2005

Secretary of the Senate