By Senator Pflug

     WHEREAS, Educating our children is the paramount duty of our state; and
     WHEREAS, Our K-12 public and private schools are working harder -- and smarter -- to provide our children with the skills, knowledge, and abilities they need to be successful citizens of our state, country, and world; and
     WHEREAS, Schools must be led by visionary, dedicated, and compassionate individuals concerned for the intellectual, physical and emotional well-being of students and staff alike; and
     WHEREAS, The office of "principal" and the principalship in Washington state is discharged of many school leaders, including principals, associate principals, assistant principals, and principal interns; and
     WHEREAS, Principals and the principalship encompass many roles and responsibilities, including those of a chief operating officer, safety officer, public relations director, facilities manager, coach, and cheerleader; and
     WHEREAS, Principals serve as the school's primary instructional leader for student learning, supporting the professional development of teachers and educational staff, and collecting and analyzing data to inform choices in student learning; and
     WHEREAS, Principals also respond to the needs of the community, serving as a liaison between the school and the world around it, maintaining close relations with parents, families, businesses, and community leaders; and
     WHEREAS, Principals also demonstrate the visionary leadership, energy, commitment, and conviction that all children will learn at high levels while inspiring others with this vision; and
     WHEREAS, Everything principals do -- establishing a vision, setting goals, managing staff, rallying the community, creating effective learning environments, guiding instruction -- is done in the name of student learning;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate commend public and private school principals statewide for their professionalism, their leadership, and their commitment to the success of all students; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the Association of Washington School Principals.