By Senators Pflug, Johnson, Oke and Kline

     WHEREAS, The students of Tahoma Senior High School in Maple Valley, Washington, enrolled in the program known as "We The People, The Citizen and Constitution," have exhibited that they have learned very well the lessons of our forefathers who wrote the Constitution of the United States. The students will be representing all of Washington State in national championship competitions; and
     WHEREAS, This knowledge will enhance the lives of the students and direct their paths as they walk through life, proud in the knowledge that Americans have long stood for justice and liberty for all Americans; and
     WHEREAS, Being armed with this knowledge is to the benefit of all citizens of this great country and state and will prepare the students to participate in the democracy men and women have fought so gallantly to preserve; and
     WHEREAS, These energetic, knowledgeable young people will one day lead this state and country, and there may very well be in their midst a legislator, governor, senator, member of Congress, or perhaps a future President; and
     WHEREAS, Their dedicated and talented teacher, Lindsey Hatch of Tahoma Senior High School, can take pride in knowing that the students enrolled in this program have the knowledge to outperform university students in every topic; and
     WHEREAS, Studies have shown that eighty percent of seniors in high school participating in this program have registered to vote compared to an average of thirty-seven percent among other high school seniors, thereby proving that this program has increased the interest in politics and in participation in government; and
     WHEREAS, For the twelfth consecutive year, Tahoma Senior High School has won the first place title at the state championship by answering questions using only their knowledge, memory, and reasoning, enabling its members to represent the whole State of Washington when they compete at the national competition in Washington, D.C. in April; and
     WHEREAS, In 2000, Tahoma Senior High School was fourth in the nation, in 2002 they won the Western Regional Award, and in 2003 the We The People Team won the top Unit Two in the Nation Award;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate honor the participants in this program from Tahoma High School's first place team: Corey Allen, Griffin Bell, Kelsey Childress, Nikki Clardy, Adam Day, Josh Hansen, Jamie Huson, Sean Johnson, Danielle Judd, Jordan Kerr, Sara Kleinknecht, Jami Lukins, Jordan Michelson, Alexa Moss, Kaylene Nead, Leah Pappajohn, Keith Peck, Maria Tamaccio, Rachel Tipper, Andy Thompson, Lyle Valenzuela, Emily Wilson, and Nichole Woods; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the members of the We The People Team, their teacher Lindsey Hatch, and the principal of Tahoma Senior High School Terry Duty, to further show the respect of this body for a job well done and wish them success in their endeavors.

I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8721,
adopted by the Senate
March 2, 2006

Secretary of the Senate