HB 1050-S2 - DIGEST


Declares that the purpose of the program is to help students who were in foster care attend an institution of higher education in the state of Washington. The foster care endowed scholarship program shall be administered by the higher education coordinating board.

Creates the foster care endowed scholarship advisory board.

Authorizes the higher education coordinating board to deposit twenty-five thousand dollars of state matching funds into the foster care scholarship endowment fund when the board can match state funds with an equal amount of private cash donations.

Provides that, after the initial match of twenty-five thousand dollars, state matching funds from the foster care endowed scholarship trust fund shall be released to the foster care scholarship endowment fund semiannually so long as there are funds available in the foster care endowed scholarship trust fund.



April 28, 2005


To the Honorable Speaker and Members,

The House of Representatives of the State of Washington


Ladies and Gentlemen:


I am returning, without my approval as to Section 9, Second Substitute House Bill 1050 entitled:


"AN ACT Relating to the creation of a foster care endowed scholarship program"


This bill and the Board creates scholarships for foster youth. I am vetoing Section 9, however, as it would limit the administrative support for the foster youth scholarship program to one-quarter full-time equivalent employee (FTE). Any money allocated for the foster youth scholarship program should go directly to that purpose. But FTE targets or limitations are properly addressed through the budget process.


For these reasons, I have vetoed Section 9 of Second Substitute House Bill 1050.


With the exception of sections Section 9, Second Substitute House Bill 1050 is approved.


Respectfully submitted,

Christine O. Gregoire
