HB 1134-S - DIGEST


Creates the office of the open government ombudsman within the office of the attorney general to provide information on public records and open public meetings to state and local agencies and the public, represent the public in obtaining public records from state and local agencies, and maintain a web site to assist the public in obtaining information and public records under this act.

Provides that the office of the open government ombudsman shall perform the following duties: (1) Provide training and legal advice to state and local agencies and the public on the rights and responsibilities of individuals requesting public records, on the procedures for obtaining public records, and on the responsibilities of state and local agencies to release records;

(2) Upon receipt of a legally sufficient complaint, investigate the refusal of an agency to disclose public records and provide legal representation for individuals alleging: (a) They have a legal claim of access to public records; (b) the agency has redacted information that should be disclosed; or (c) there has been a delay in disclosing records;

(3) Provide training to state and local agencies on agency responsibilities relating to open public meetings;

(4) Submit annually by November 1st to the attorney general and appropriate committees of the legislature a report analyzing the work of the office of the open government ombudsman;

(5) Establish and maintain a public records clearinghouse and informational web site; and

(6) Adopt rules necessary to implement this act.