HB 1292 - DIGEST
Recognizes that fair and open competition is a basic tenet of public works procurement, that such competition reduces the appearance of and opportunity for favoritism and inspires public confidence that contracts are awarded equitably and economically. Preservation of the integrity of the competitive bid system for both the bidder and the public owner dictates that the contract should be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who prepares and submits the lowest responsive bid, unless good cause is shown.
Provides that, after bids for a public work have been opened by the state, a municipality, or an institution of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016, award must be made to the responsible bidder who submitted the lowest responsive bid unless it is determined in writing by the state, municipality, or institution of higher education that there is good cause to reject all bids and cancel the invitation.
Provides that any decision to reject all bids and cancel the invitation shall result in the payment of ten thousand dollars or five percent of the project cost estimate, whichever amount is less, to the contractor that otherwise would have been awarded the contract as the responsible bidder who submitted the lowest responsive bid.