HB 1708 - DIGEST


Requires the superintendent of public instruction to review and evaluate promising programs for dropout prevention.

Requires the superintendent to report to the legislature by December 1, 2005, and recommend: (1) The two most promising comprehensive dropout prevention programs that encompass school-wide or district-wide restructuring of the delivery of educational services; and

(2) The two most promising targeted dropout prevention programs designed to provide social and other services in coordination with educational services to students who are at risk of dropping out due to the presence of family, personal, economic, or cultural circumstances.

Directs the superintendent of public instruction to establish school and school district goals addressing high school graduation rates and dropout reduction goals for students in grades seven through twelve. Goals under this section shall require annual uniform incremental growth in graduation rates from all schools and districts beginning in the 2005-06 school year and shall meet or exceed the high school graduation rate requirements under the federal no child left behind act of 2001.