HB 2005 - DIGEST

Requires that traditional and alternative educational opportunities shall be made available to students on a general, uniform, and equal basis. Schools shall not create barriers to admission for students who would otherwise benefit from traditional or alternative educational opportunities.

Provides that the admission criteria for any traditional or alternative common school program shall not include any written or verbal requirement or expectation that parents or family members must volunteer or participate in school activities for a child to attend the program. Parent and family involvement in school programs and activities shall be valued and encouraged but not required for school or program admission.

Provides that a child shall not be denied admission into any traditional or alternative classroom because of disabilities caused by a family's economic or social status, including the inability or unwillingness of a parent or family member to volunteer, provide transportation, or participate in school activities. Traditional and alternative common school programs shall be free of tuition whether required in the form of dollars or hours of labor.