HB 2267 - DIGEST
Provides guidelines for the issuance and renewal of a geoduck diver license and requiring harvesters to help reseed state commercial beds.
Provides that, after July 1, 2005, the director may not issue new geoduck diver licenses unless fewer than fifty persons are eligible for renewal. A person may renew an existing license only if the person: (1) Held a geoduck diver license in 2004; and (a) Held a geoduck diver license in 2001 and 2002; or (b) held a geoduck diver license for five of the ten years from 1994 through 2003; and
(2)(a) Can document active diving participation by way of dive sheet records, canceled checks, and conformation by the department; or (b) acquired the license by transfer from another person who held it during the previous year, and the person did not subsequently transfer the license to a third party.
Provides that, if fewer than fifty persons are eligible to renew a geoduck diver license, the director may accept applications for new licenses.