HB 2785-S - DIGEST

Requires that, under RCW 28A.655.061, beginning in the 2006-07 school year, the superintendent of public instruction shall implement three objective alternative assessment methods for students to demonstrate achievement of the state standards in content areas in which the student did not meet the standard on the high school Washington assessment of student learning. A student may access an alternative if the student meets applicable eligibility criteria in RCW 28A.655.061 and other eligibility criteria established by the superintendent of public instruction, including but not limited to a ninety-five percent minimum attendance criterion and required participation in remediation programs or instruction.

Declares that the primary alternative assessment method shall be a combination of the applicant's grades in applicable courses and the applicant's highest score on the high school Washington assessment of student learning, as provided in this act.

Requires the superintendent of public instruction to also develop an alternative assessment method that shall be an evaluation of a collection of work samples prepared and submitted by the applicant, as provided in this act.

Provides that, for students enrolled in a career and technical education program approved under this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall develop a collection of work samples that: (1) Is relevant to the student's particular career and technical program;

(2) Focuses on the application of academic knowledge and skills within the program;

(3) Includes completed activities or projects where demonstration of academic knowledge is inferred; and

(4) Is related to the essential academic learning requirements and state standards that students must meet to earn a certificate of academic achievement or certificate of individual achievement, but also represents the knowledge and skills that successful individuals in the career and technical field of the approved program are expected to possess.

Directs the superintendent of public instruction to implement: (1) By June 1, 2006, a process for students to appeal the score they received on the high school assessment; and

(2) By January 1, 2007, guidelines and appeal processes for waiving specific requirements in RCW 28A.655.061 pertaining to the certificate of academic achievement and to the certificate of individual achievement for students who: (a) Transfer to a Washington public school in their junior or senior year with the intent of obtaining a public high school diploma, or (b) have special, unavoidable circumstances.

Requires that, by September 2006, the superintendent of public instruction shall report the following, in detail, to the education committees of the legislature: (1) Results of the pilot testing of the alternative assessments authorized under this act;

(2) The proposed guidelines, protocols, and procedures to be used by the superintendent in implementing the alternative assessments, particularly the collection of evidence;

(3) A description of the training to be provided for school districts, educators serving on scoring panels, and teachers assisting students with collections of evidence; and

(4) Updated estimates of the number of students likely to be eligible or apply for either alternative assessment method.