HB 3241-S - DIGEST

Finds that some students will take longer to meet the state's standards for high school graduation. Older students who are not on track to graduate with their peers should be provided an appropriate learning environment. The continued education of these students remains the paramount duty of the state of Washington until these students turn twenty-one or achieve a meaningful high school diploma.

Declares an intent to redefine the purpose and expectations of the high school diploma and provide extended learning opportunities through college and career readiness centers, funded under the basic education act, for students not on track to graduate from high school with their peers.

Requires the state board of education to develop and propose a definition of a meaningful high school diploma to be issued by public schools in Washington state. The definition must reflect that high school graduates need to be ready for success in college and ready for successful and gainful employment in the workplace. The definition must incorporate college readiness standards in at least English and mathematics as the minimum standard for high school graduation. The definition must focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to demonstrate to receive a meaningful high school diploma, rather than focusing on courses, credits, and test scores.

Requires the state board of education to submit the proposed definition, along with any necessary revisions to state statutes and rules, to the education committees of the legislature by December 1, 2007.