This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change. Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at HB 1595-S2 by House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives McDermott, Woods, Cody, Jarrett, Clibborn, and Dunn) Allowing port districts to lease land acquired from a commercial waterway district. Provides that a district may manage all lands, wharves, docks, and real and personal property it owns and controls that have been acquired from commercial waterway districts, for such purposes and upon such terms as the port commission deems proper. A district's management authority includes granting licenses, leases, and easements for such former commercial waterway district property. These properties are subject to all other statutes governing port district property.Provides that a port commission may, by resolution, authorize the managing official of a port district to sell and convey port district property obtained by the district from a commercial waterway district. The district shall sell and convey such property in accordance with all applicable statutes governing the sale of port district property.
HB 1815-S3 by House Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Wallace, Skinner, Pettigrew, Rodne, Kilmer, Ahern, Blake, McCoy, Anderson, Walsh, Lovick, Hudgins, Appleton, Strow, Murray, B. Sullivan, Simpson, Kessler, Williams, O'Brien, Conway, Morris, Linville, Lantz, and Moeller) Creating a competitive grant program for organizations that assist small businesses. Creates a competitive grant program in the department to assist small business incubators and entrepreneurial support programs as defined in RCW 43.176.020. To the extent funds are made available, the competitive grants shall be allocated equally across the state to a designated nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) or (c)(6) of the internal revenue code or a governmental organization, including a port district, to provide business-related training and services as well as technical assistance to start-up or emerging businesses. In administering the competitive grant program, the department shall endeavor to equitably distribute the funds across the state.Provides that ninety percent of the funds granted must be used by the grantees to provide the kind of direct service or training to businesses as described in RCW 43.176.020. Only up to ten percent of the grant funds may be used by the grantees for organizational administrative costs and overhead.Provides that, to the extent funds are made available, grants shall be awarded over a two-year period.Provides that previous grantees are not prohibited from reapplying.Requires the department to submit on a biennial basis, beginning December 1, 2007, a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature. The report shall include, at a minimum: (1) The number of businesses served by industry;(2) The types of services provided;(3) The number of jobs retained as a result of the grant program;(4) The number of jobs created as a result of the grant program; and(5) The names of the grantees and the amounts of the grants.
HB 2397-S by House Committee on Children & Family Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Dickerson, Williams, Moeller, Hasegawa, Darneille, Morrell, Wallace, Flannigan, Green, Miloscia, and B. Sullivan) Establishing a pilot program to deliver mental health treatment to children. Provides that, to the extent funding is appropriated in the operating budget, the mental health division of the health and recovery services administration, in collaboration with the children's administration, within the department shall establish a pilot program to support collaborative local efforts to select, implement, and ensure quality evidence-based mental health services provided to children by December 2006.Requires that, beginning in July 2007, the Washington state institute for public policy shall conduct a study of the pilot program measuring improvements in the delivery of mental health services to children. The institute shall issue a report containing its preliminary findings to the legislature by December 1, 2007, and a final report by December 1, 2008.Declares that implementation of this program is subject to the availability of funds.
HB 2439-S by House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Hudgins, Kilmer, McCoy, Morrell, Appleton, Moeller, Rodne, Linville, Conway, P. Sullivan, Morris, B. Sullivan, Green, Ericks, Upthegrove, and Ormsby) Providing support for military families by exempting home sales resulting from military relocation orders from real estate excise taxes. Provides support for military families by exempting home sales resulting from military relocation orders from real estate excise taxes.
HB 2462-S by House Committee on Juvenile Justice & Family Law (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller, Wallace, and Roberts) Establishing work groups to periodically review and update the child support schedule. Finds that federal law requires the states to periodically review and update their child support schedule. Accurate and consistent reporting of the terms of child support orders entered by the courts or administrative agencies in Washington state is necessary in order to accomplish a review of the child support schedule. In addition, a process for review of the schedule should be established to ensure the integrity of any reviews undertaken to comply with federal law.Provides that, beginning in 2010 and every four years thereafter, the joint legislative audit and review committee, or other entity designated by the legislature, shall prepare a report on the review of the support schedule in accordance with 45 CFR 302.56 and the recommendations of the prior work group, and provide the report to the legislature and to the work group established in RCW 26.19.025 no later than July 1, 2008. The report must include data included in the order summary report collected by the department of social and health services division of child support.Requires, by April 1, 2006, the division of child support to convene a work group to examine the current laws, administrative rules, and practices regarding child support.Declares that the objective of the work group shall be to continue the work of the 2005 child support guidelines work group, and produce findings and recommendations to the legislature, including recommendations for legislative action, by December 1, 2006.
HB 2569-S by House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Morrell, Roach, Campbell, Williams, Kilmer, Clibborn, Conway, Blake, Eickmeyer, Flannigan, Wallace, Roberts, Upthegrove, McCoy, McDonald, Green, Dickerson, Lantz, and Springer) Lowering the interest rate for the property tax deferral program. Lowers the interest rate for the property tax deferral program from eight to five percent.Declares that this act only applies to property tax deferrals granted under RCW 84.38.040 after the effective date of this act for taxes levied for collection in 2007 and thereafter.Finds that the intent of the property tax deferral program is to assist retired persons in maintaining their dignity and a reasonable standard of living by residing in their own homes, providing for their own needs, and managing their own affairs without requiring assistance from public welfare programs. The department of revenue shall review the adequacy and appropriateness of the interest rate provided in RCW 84.38.100 in relation to these objectives. The department shall report its findings to the finance committee of the house of representatives and the ways and means committee of the senate by December 1, 2012.
HB 2570-S by House Committee on Health Care (originally sponsored by Representatives Morrell, Campbell, Green, Conway, Sells, Chase, Cody, Williams, Kilmer, Wallace, Clibborn, Flannigan, Roberts, Lovick, Hasegawa, Darneille, O'Brien, Murray, Hunt, Schual-Berke, Lantz, Moeller, and Kagi) Prohibiting tobacco product sampling. Declares an intent to protect minors from the influence of tobacco sampling by eliminating the distribution of samples in this state.Repeals RCW 70.155.060 and 82.24.270.
HB 2590-S by House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Dickerson and McIntire) Exempting nonprofit organizations organized for zoological purposes from certain excise taxes. Exempts nonprofit organizations organized for zoological purposes from certain excise taxes.Directs the department of revenue to review the tax exemptions benefitting zoological exhibitions, presentations, performances, and education programs under this act.Requires the department to report its findings and recommendations to the finance committee of the house of representatives and the ways and means committee of the senate by December 1, 2016. The department shall provide a recommendation as to whether the exemptions should be continued without modification, modified, scheduled for sunset review at a future date, or terminated immediately. The department may recommend accountability standards for the future review of the exemptions.
HB 2608-S by House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Curtis, Takko, Bailey, Grant, Orcutt, Hinkle, McDonald, Clements, Moeller, Chandler, Wallace, O'Brien, Haler, Haigh, Alexander, and Morrell) Defining performance of duty for the volunteer fire fighters' and reserve officers' relief and pension act. Includes performing other officially assigned duties that are secondary to his or her duties as a fire fighter, emergency worker, or reserve officer such as maintenance, public education, inspections, investigations, court testimony, and fund-raising for the benefit of the department; being on call or on standby under the orders of the chief or designated officer of the department, except at the individual's home or place of business.
HB 2678-S by House Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Kretz, B. Sullivan, and Ericks; by request of Pollution Liability Insurance Agency) Reauthorizing the pollution liability insurance agency. Reauthorizes the pollution liability insurance agency.Repeals RCW 70.148.900, 70.149.900, and 82.23A.902.
HB 2680-S by House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Conway, Fromhold, Lovick, Kenney, Quall, Simpson, and Moeller; by request of Select Committee on Pension Policy) Purchasing service credit in plan 2 and plan 3 of the teachers' retirement system for public education experience performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government. Provides for purchasing service credit in plan 2 and plan 3 of the teachers' retirement system for public education experience performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government.
HB 3236 by Representatives Dickerson, Darneille, and Campbell Setting emission standards for mercury-emitting facilities. Establishes emission standards for mercury-emitting facilities.Declares that "mercury-emitting facility" means any facility that combusts coal or another fossil fuel, as that term is defined in RCW 80.70.010, in order to produce electricity that is offered for sale or used outside of the facility.
HB 3237 by Representatives Hunter, Eickmeyer, Simpson, Grant, Linville, Hankins, and Jarrett Reviewing the funding and management of state aquatic lands. Finds that there should be a thorough review of the funding and management of state aquatic lands to determine the proper funding source and levels necessary to properly manage those resources.Directs the joint legislative audit and review committee to, consistent with chapter 44.28 RCW: (1) Conduct a performance audit of the department of natural resources' aquatic resources program to determine the success of the department in meeting the objectives established in statute for managing aquatic lands;(2) Review management policies to determine if decisions to generate revenues to support the aquatics program are consistent with policies established in statute for managing aquatic lands;(3) Review the percentage of revenues retained by the department of natural resources from the resource management cost account and the aquatic lands enhancement account for the aquatics program to determine if the percentages are appropriate to support the program; and(4) Make recommendations on whether the use of nonagency generated revenues, such as the state general fund, would provide a better funding mechanism for the management of state-owned aquatic lands.Provides that the final performance audit and recommendations required by this act must be completed by December 15, 2007.
HB 3238 by Representatives Simpson, Lantz, Wallace, Morrell, Kilmer, Green, Springer, Dunshee, P. Sullivan, Quall, B. Sullivan, Grant, Appleton, Williams, Darneille, O'Brien, Haler, Clibborn, Hunt, Lovick, Hasegawa, McDermott, Rodne, Moeller, Kessler, Strow, Fromhold, Sells, and Ericks Prohibiting the distribution of false sex offender notifications. Declares an intent to protect our communities from the very real threats posed by violent sex predators and from those that would seek to exploit those threats by terrorizing the population with bogus notifications.Declares that a person is guilty of distributing a false sex offender community notification bulletin if, with the intent to alarm, harass, or intimidate any other person, he or she distributes information designed to resemble a sex offender community notification bulletin knowing that it is not a sex offender community notification bulletin.Provides that distributing a false sex offender community notification bulletin is a class C felony.
HB 3239 by Representative Kirby Using arbitration to resolve disputes regarding certain insurance policies. Provides that an insurer that does not include in its policy of underinsured motorist coverage a binding arbitration clause is subject to a civil suit at the option of the insured in superior court when a dispute arises regarding whether the insured is entitled to damages or the amount of those damages.Provides that all automobile liability insurance policies sold in this state that contain personal injury protection coverage benefits shall contain binding arbitration clauses to resolve disputes between the insured and the insurer regarding the amount of medical and hospital expenses, funeral expenses, income continuation, and loss of services sustained by an insured because of bodily injury caused by an automobile accident.Provides that, when a dispute regarding the amount of personal injury protection coverage benefits arises, arbitration may be requested by either the insurer or insured. In any event, a request for arbitration must be made in writing and the parties shall select an arbitrator to hear the dispute within thirty days of a written request. The failure to agree on an arbitrator within the required time is resolved under RCW 7.04.050. When arbitration results in additional benefits to the insured, the costs of the arbitrator shall be paid by the insurer, along with the reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred in establishing the insured's claim to additional benefits.
HB 3240 by Representative Murray; by request of Department of Transportation and Department of Licensing Modifying the administration of fuel taxes. Revises the administration of fuel taxes.
HB 3241 by Representatives Jarrett, Fromhold, Rodne, Cox, Clibborn, Ormsby, Tom, Talcott, Haigh, Roberts, Priest, Morrell, Springer, Hunt, Green, and Santos Creating opportunities to obtain a diploma through college and career readiness centers. Finds that some students will take longer to meet the state's standards for high school graduation. Older students who are not on track to graduate with their peers should be provided an appropriate learning environment. The continued education of these students remains the paramount duty of the state of Washington until these students turn twenty-one or achieve a meaningful high school diploma.Declares an intent to redefine the purpose and expectations of the high school diploma and provide extended learning opportunities through college and career readiness centers, funded under the basic education act, for students not on track to graduate from high school with their peers.Requires the state board of education to develop and propose a definition of a meaningful high school diploma to be issued by public schools in Washington state. The definition must reflect that high school graduates need to be ready for success in college and ready for successful and gainful employment in the workplace. The definition must incorporate college readiness standards in at least English and mathematics as the minimum standard for high school graduation. The definition must focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to demonstrate to receive a meaningful high school diploma, rather than focusing on courses, credits, and test scores.
HB 3242 by Representatives Crouse and Morris Modifying energy efficiency provisions. Revises energy efficiency provisions.
HB 3243 by Representatives Schual-Berke, Walsh, Dickerson, Haler, Darneille, Hinkle, Roberts, Pettigrew, Dunn, and Kagi Regarding the joint task force on the administration and delivery of services to children. Revises provisions regarding the joint task force on the administration and delivery of services to children.Requires the joint task force to report its recommendations to the governor and appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2006.
HB 3244 by Representatives Moeller, Tom, Simpson, Jarrett, Wallace, and Fromhold Requiring voter approval to authorize boundary review board disbandings. Requires voter approval to authorize boundary review board disbandings.
HB 3245 by Representatives Moeller, Tom, Simpson, Wallace, and Fromhold Affirming the role and existence of boundary review boards. Repeals RCW 36.93.230.
HB 3246 by Representatives Kirby, Moeller, Serben, and Armstrong Modifying provisions concerning the distribution of beer and wine. Revises provisions concerning the distribution of beer and wine.
HB 3247 by Representatives Wallace, Hudgins, Takko, P. Sullivan, Springer, Kessler, Sells, Kilmer, and Hasegawa Allowing all consumers to place a security freeze on a credit report. Authorizes all consumers to place a security freeze on a credit report.
HB 3248 by Representatives Conway, Hasegawa, Appleton, and Sells Concerning union security provisions in public employment contracts. Provides that if only one organization is seeking certification as the representative of unrepresented employees under a chapter administered by the commission, and the showing of interest submitted in support of the petition indicates that the organization has been authorized by more than seventy percent of the employees to act as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining: (1) The employer and employees shall proceed to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement without further representational elections; and(2) The collective bargaining agreement submitted to the bargaining unit shall include union security provisions.
HB 3249 by Representatives Hasegawa, Appleton, and Santos Ensuring benefit equality among local government employees. Ensures benefit equality among local government employees.
HB 3250 by Representatives Nixon and Springer Prohibiting the commercial use of lists obtained from public entities. Declares that a person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under RCW 9A.20.021 if he or she: (1) Uses a list obtained, either by the person himself or herself or by another person, from any state or local agency for commercial purposes or for any type of solicitation by or on behalf of a nonprofit or charitable organization, and does so knowing that the list came from or was compiled, whether by the person himself or herself or by a third party, from records obtained from a state or local government agency; or(2) Induces another to violate this act.
SB 6005-S by Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Rockefeller, Honeyford, Haugen, Regala, and Kohl-Welles; by request of Secretary of State) Regarding preservation of state publications by the state library services. Recognizes that an informed citizenry is indispensable to the proper functioning of a democratic society. It is the basic right of citizens to know about the activities of their government, to benefit from the information developed at public expense, and to have permanent access to the information published by state agencies.Declares that the state library within the office of the secretary of state should ensure permanent public access to public state government publications, regardless of the format, and prescribe the conditions for use of state publications in depository libraries.
SB 6133-S by Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Rasmussen, Schoesler, Swecker, and Pridemore) Licensing Christmas tree growers. Provides that no person may operate as a Christmas tree grower without first obtaining a license from the department.Establishes an advisory committee to advise the director in the administration of the Christmas tree program.
SB 6166-S by Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Fairley, Benton, Prentice, Keiser, Franklin, Berkey, Brandland, and Benson; by request of Department of Financial Institutions) Regulating mortgage brokers and loan originators. Establishes provisions to regulate mortgage brokers and loan originators.
SB 6175-S by Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senator Jacobsen; by request of Department of Natural Resources) Concerning the regulation of surface mining. Revises provisions relating to regulation of surface mining.Appropriates the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the biennium ending June 30, 2007, from the surface mining reclamation account to the department of natural resources for the purposes of surface mine reclamation.
SB 6180-S by Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senators Jacobsen, Doumit, and Rockefeller; by request of Department of Natural Resources) Allowing the department of natural resources to exchange certain state lands. Authorizes the department of natural resources to exchange certain state lands.
SB 6182-S by Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Berkey, Fairley, and Shin; by request of Insurance Commissioner) Compensating the victims of uninsured and underinsured motorists. Provides that if the covered person seeking underinsured motorist coverage under this act was the intended victim of the tort feasor, the incident must be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency and the covered person must cooperate with any related law enforcement investigation.Declares that the purpose of this act is to protect innocent victims of uninsured and underinsured motorists. Covered persons are entitled to coverage without regard to whether an event was intentionally caused unless the insurer can demonstrate that the covered person intended to cause the damage for which uninsured and/or underinsured motorists' coverage is sought. As used in this act, and in the section of policies providing the underinsured motorist coverage described in this act, "accident" means an occurrence that is unexpected and unintended from the standpoint of the covered person.
SB 6201-S by Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senator Fairley) Creating a homeowners' association act committee. Declares that the purpose of the committee is to review the homeowners' association act, chapter 64.38 RCW, the uniform common interest ownership act, and current issues concerning homeowners' associations as defined in RCW 64.38.010 including, without limitation, the method and manner of amending restrictive covenants, voting, communications between homeowners' association boards and association members, the budget ratification process, potential conflicts between the homeowners' association act and other laws that may be applicable to the organizational form of the association, and the need for reforms regarding the process, in which liens are placed on property for unpaid association dues against a new seller for a previous owner's delinquencies, as well as a review of the required disclosures on the sale of real property within a homeowners' association.Requires the committee to examine the issues referenced in this act and whether any changes should be made to the homeowners' association act. The committee shall deliver a report of its findings and conclusions and any proposed implementing legislation to the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives by September 1, 2007.
SB 6326-S by Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Shin, Rasmussen, Pflug, Doumit, Rockefeller, Weinstein, Pridemore, Hewitt, Jacobsen, Thibaudeau, Swecker, Sheldon, Oke, Keiser, Kohl-Welles, Franklin, Kline, and Berkey) Providing a source of funding for customized work force training. Provides a source of funding for customized work force training.
SB 6328-S by Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Shin, Pflug, Sheldon, Schmidt, Doumit, Benton, McAuliffe, Swecker, Rasmussen, Berkey, Jacobsen, Kohl-Welles, and Roach) Creating a joint legislative task force on aerospace manufacturing. Creates a joint legislative task force on aerospace manufacturing.Requires the task force to review the following issues related to expanding the presence of aerospace manufacturing and associated research and development, education, and training businesses at airports of regional significance:(1) The composition of the current aerospace manufacturing industry in Washington state and significant trends that affect retention, expansion, and recruitment of companies in that industry;(2) Aerospace and nonaerospace businesses currently sited at airports of regional significance;(3) The inventory of untapped or underutilized capacity at airports of regional significance;(4) Types of aerospace manufacturing and associated businesses that could be sited at airports of regional significance;(5) Financial and technical resources that are available and those that would be needed; and(6) Statutory and regulatory changes required to expand the presence of aerospace manufacturing and associated businesses at airports of regional significance.Requires the task force to report its findings and recommendations to the legislature by June 30, 2007.Appropriates the sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, from the general fund to the house of representatives and the senate for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, to carry out the purposes of this act.
SB 6330-S by Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Shin, Kastama, Sheldon, Rasmussen, Doumit, Weinstein, Fraser, Swecker, McAuliffe, Oke, Eide, Honeyford, Franklin, Mulliken, Prentice, Pflug, Kohl-Welles, Jacobsen, and Roach) Establishing the Washington trade corps fellowship program. Declares that the purpose of the program is to promote international trade and enhance the work of Washington's trade offices. The program will award fellowships to students who have shown significant interest in pursuing a career in international trade and place them in trade offices. The fellows will be expected to learn the practice of trade promotion and fulfill the mission of the offices to promote overseas trade and commerce.Provides that the act shall be null and void if appropriations are not approved.
SB 6437-S by Senate Committee on Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators McAuliffe, Rockefeller, Schmidt, Eide, Keiser, Schoesler, Fraser, Kohl-Welles, Weinstein, Pridemore, Rasmussen, and Shin) Providing for adoption of course equivalencies for career and technical courses. Provides for adoption of course equivalencies for career and technical courses.
SB 6466-S by Senate Committee on Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl-Welles, Weinstein, McAuliffe, Delvin, Finkbeiner, Brown, Rasmussen, and Kline; by request of Governor Gregoire) Creating the department of early learning. Finds that the early years of a child's life are critical to the child's healthy brain development and that the quality of caregiving during the early years can significantly impact the child's intellectual, social, and emotional development.Declares that the purpose of this act is: (1) To establish the department of early learning, the purpose of which is to coordinate and consolidate child care and early learning programs;(2) To safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of children receiving child care and early learning services, which is paramount over the right of any person to provide care;(3) To promote the development of a sufficient number and variety of adequate child care and early learning facilities, both public and private; and(4) To license agencies and to assure the users of such agencies, their parents, the community at large and the agencies themselves that adequate minimum standards are maintained by all child care and early learning facilities.
SB 6483-S by Senate Committee on Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, Rasmussen, Franklin, Haugen, Berkey, Keiser, Kline, Regala, Eide, Brown, Thibaudeau, Schmidt, Spanel, and Shin; by request of Governor Gregoire) Expanding apprenticeship opportunities for high school graduates. Finds that it is in the public interest of the state to encourage and facilitate the formation of cooperative relationships between business and industry and educational institutions that provide for the development and expansion of programs of skills training and education consistent with employment needs and to make interested individuals aware of the employment opportunities presented. Therefore, the following programs shall be implemented to expand opportunities for secondary school students to prepare for technical careers and related apprenticeships: (1) Centers of excellence, which shall act as repositories and distributors of relevant information;(2) A coordinated educational outreach program about apprenticeships; and(3) Direct-entry programs for graduating secondary students into construction-related apprenticeships, managed by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council.Provides that centers of excellence, as designated by the state board for community and technical colleges, and other colleges with a high density of apprenticeship programs, shall act as a broker of information and resources on available grants, scholarship opportunities, job openings, and industries of growth.
SB 6604-S by Senate Committee on International Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Prentice, Rasmussen, and McAuliffe; by request of Governor Gregoire) Providing excise tax relief for aerospace businesses. Provides excise tax relief for aerospace businesses.
SB 6852 by Senators Kline, Hargrove, Brandland, and Rasmussen Addressing state and local agency tort liability for the acts of supervised persons in the community. Finds that it is in the public interest to limit the liability of state and local governments for injuries caused by released offenders and other persons who are being supervised in the community or who are on a community-based treatment monitoring program. The legislature intends this act to limit both the class of supervised persons for whom state and local government can be held liable and the circumstances under which liability can be imposed.Provides that the state, local governments, and their agencies, officers, and employees shall not be held liable for damages or injuries to persons or property caused by supervised persons when their only known charges or convictions do not include violence.
SB 6853 by Senators Haugen and Benson; by request of Department of Transportation Modifying phase three procurement provisions for design-build ferries. Provides that best and final proposals shall be evaluated and scored based on the factors, weighting, and process identified in the initial request for proposals. Final proposals may not be considered if the proposal cost is greater than the maximum allowable construction cost identified in the initial request for proposals. Evaluation factors shall include, but not be limited to: Proposal price; ability of professional personnel; past performance on similar projects; ability to meet time and budget requirements; ability to provide a performance and payment bond for the project; recent, current, and projected work loads of the shipyard; location; and the concept of the proposal.Directs the department to initiate negotiations with the firm submitting the highest scored best and final proposal. If the department is unable to execute a contract with the shipyard submitting the highest scored best and final proposal, negotiations with that firm may be suspended or terminated, and the public body may proceed to negotiate with the next highest scored shipyard. The department shall continue in accordance with this procedure until a contract agreement is reached or the selection process is terminated.
SB 6854 by Senator Rasmussen Regarding disclosure of animal information. Finds that exempting certain voluntary livestock identification, premise, movement, and testing information from state public disclosure requirements will protect and maintain the highest level of animal health, foster an environment that is more conducive to voluntary participation, and lead to a more effective livestock identification system.
SB 6855 by Senators Schoesler and Rasmussen Authorizing the application of barley straw to waters of the state. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provisions of chapter 90.48 RCW, the application of barley straw to waters of the state for the purposes of water clarification is not a discharge of a pollutant requiring a permit as long as the designated provisions are met.
SB 6856 by Senators Prentice, Esser, Kohl-Welles, and Rasmussen Concerning jurisdiction under the Indian gaming regulatory act. Removes expiration dates for state consent to federal court jurisdiction in actions under the Indian gaming regulatory act.
SB 6857 by Senators Kastama and Rasmussen Extending the application period for fuel tax refunds. Extends the application period for fuel tax refunds to five years.
SB 6858 by Senators Prentice and Kohl-Welles Stabilizing state convention and trade center funding levels. Finds that, during the 2003-2005 and 2005-2007 biennia, the legislature transferred funds from the fund established under RCW 67.40.040 to the general fund--state. It is the intent of this act to provide predictable and stable funding for the operation and maintenance of the state convention and trade center by establishing funding levels in future biennia based on proven performance and return on state funds invested in the convention and trade center.
SB 6859 by Senators Haugen and Kohl-Welles Prohibiting the hiring of unregistered contractors. Prohibits the hiring of unregistered contractors.
SB 6860 by Senators Doumit, Hewitt, Jacobsen, Oke, Prentice, Parlette, Hargrove, Zarelli, Thibaudeau, McCaslin, Regala, Swecker, Rasmussen, Brown, Finkbeiner, Shin, Morton, Spanel, Deccio, Poulsen, and Kohl-Welles Renaming buildings on the state capitol grounds. Provides that the John A. Cherberg building is hereby renamed the John A. Cherberg-Sid Snyder building and the Irving R. Newhouse building is hereby renamed the Irving R. Newhouse-Jeanette Hayner building.
SCR 8416-S by Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Kastama and Kline) Moving the September 2006 legislative assembly to a location east of the Cascade Mountains. Moves the September 2006 legislative assembly to a location east of the Cascade Mountains.