SB 5348-S.E - DIGEST


Declares an intent to avoid unnecessary hardships on the citizens of a community by recognizing the traditional appliance repair services that have been offered for many years by any public utility district.

Recognizes these historic services coexist with the private sector without creating aggressive competition between public and private enterprises.

Declares an intent to have these services be financially self-supporting and not be subsidized by any other customer rate structures.

Provides that any public utility district that has operated an electrical appliance repair service for at least ten years prior to the effective date of this act, may continue to operate an electrical appliance repair service within its service territory.

Provides that, when a public utility district provides electrical appliance repair services under this act, the public utility district shall: (1) Charge customers the true and fair cost for the services;

(2) Keep records documenting the revenues and expenditures for the services and make those records available to the public; and

(3) Develop measures or benchmarks to track and evaluate the performance of the services.