SB 5631-S - DIGEST
Revises provisions relating to inmate work programs.
Provides that the products and services of this industry, including purchased products and services necessary for a complete product line, may be sold to the following: (1) An employee and immediate family members of an employee of the department of corrections; and
(2) A person under the supervision of the department of corrections and his or her immediate family members.
Declares that it is prohibited to purchase any item purchased under this act for the purpose of resale.
Provides that any school district may purchase goods produced or provided in whole or in part from class II inmate work programs operated by the department of corrections pursuant to RCW 72.09.100, including but not limited to furniture, equipment, or supplies. School districts are encouraged to set as a target to contract, beginning after June 30, 2006, to purchase up to one percent of the total goods required by the school districts each year, goods produced or provided in whole or in part from class II inmate work programs operated by the department of corrections.