SB 5854 - DIGEST
Establishes the following state policy on educational equity: (1) Educational equity includes instruction that responds to the diverse needs of students in order to maximize each student's opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential to achieve success in school and life as expressed in the goal of basic education under RCW 28A.150.210.
(2) Educational equity results in continuous student growth. Learning and achievement is founded on meaningful relationships among students, staff, parents, guardians, and community members so that each student is nurtured, respected, and valued in school and through school-related learning opportunities.
Recognizes a clear role for at least and not limited to the following agencies to advance the state policy on educational equity under this act: The state board of education and the superintendent of public instruction. The legislature encourages these agencies to collaboratively, not independently, establish and align potential goals, objectives, and strategies in order to advance the state policy on educational equity under this act.
Encourages the agencies in this act to periodically, preferably at least every two years, submit separately or jointly, a report to one another and the legislature. The report shall include a review and status of adopted educational equity goals, objectives, and strategies to advance the state policy on educational equity.