SB 5883-S - DIGEST


Finds that forests throughout the American west are suffering from the accumulation of small-diameter wood materials to levels well in excess of what would be found in natural forest ecosystems.

Finds that, in partnership with government scientists, rural community planners, and private industry, the University of Washington forest systems and bioenergy program is developing technology tools that use the abundant small-diameter wood materials as a cost-effective source of bioenergy for hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels for cars and engines, and other chemical applications. Research priorities include: (1) Maximizing the conversion efficiency of wood to methanol;

(2) Analyzing the economic, environmental, and social impacts of establishing conversion systems at a variety of locations; and

(3) Establishing best practices to ensure a sustainable harvest of forest materials.

Appropriates the sum of forty thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, from the general fund to the University of Washington forest systems and bioenergy program for the purposes of this act.