SB 5894 - DIGEST
Provides that the joint legislative committee on water supply during drought shall convene from time to time at the call of the chair when a drought conditions order under RCW 43.83B.405 is in effect, or when the chair determines, in consultation with the department of ecology, that it is likely that such an order will be issued within the next year.
Authorizes the committee to request and review information relating to water supply conditions in the state, and economic, environmental, and other impacts relating to decreased water supply being experienced or anticipated.
Provides that, during drought conditions in which an order issued under RCW 43.83B.405 is in effect, the department of ecology shall provide to the committee no less than monthly a report describing drought response activities of the department and other state and federal agencies participating on the water supply availability committee. The report shall include information regarding applications for, and approvals and denials of emergency water withdrawals and temporary changes or transfers of, water rights under RCW 43.83B.410.
Requires the committee from time to time to make recommendations to the senate and house of representatives on budgetary and legislative actions that will improve the state's drought response programs and planning.