SB 6001-S - DIGEST


Provides that, by December 30, 2005, the superintendent of public instruction in collaboration with the Washington state school safety center advisory committee, and in consultation with the criminal justice training commission, shall develop a model policy and training standards for school building administrators and other school security personnel relative to the use of force and physical restraint in the common schools.

Requires the superintendent of public instruction to report to the appropriate committees of the legislature regarding the model policy and training standards for school building administrators and other school security personnel relative to the use of force and physical restraint.

Provides that, by March 30, 2006, the model policy and training standards developed under this act shall be made available to serve as guidance to school districts and educational service districts and shall be posted on the superintendent of public instruction's web site.

Provides that, by June 1, 2006, the criminal justice training commission, in cooperation with the superintendent of public instruction and the Washington state school safety center advisory committee shall develop training materials in support of the model policy on the use of force and physical restraint.

Provides that training on use of force and physical restraint shall be included in the current training provided by the criminal justice training commission as approved by, and in cooperation with, the superintendent of public instruction with the advice of the Washington state school safety center advisory committee for school administrators and school safety personnel.