SB 6759-S - DIGEST

Requires the health care authority, in coordination with the department of social and health services, to by December 1st of each year report to the legislature for each month of the preceding fiscal year the number of basic health plan enrollees who were employed, or who were the spouse or dependent child of someone who was employed, and the total cost to the state for these enrollees. The information shall be reported in total, and by employer and industry type for any employer or industry type having more than thirty employees enrolled.

Requires the department of social and health services, in coordination with the health care authority, to by December 1st of each year report to the legislature for each month of the preceding fiscal year the number of medical assistance recipients who were employed, or who were the spouse or dependent child of someone who was employed, and the total cost to the state for these recipients. The information shall be reported in total, and by employer and industry type for any employer or industry type having more than thirty employees as recipients.

Takes effect January 1, 2007.