59th Legislature - 2006 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
RICHARD NAFZIGER, Chief Clerk     


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
ESHB 1029 f All-terrain vehicles TR (Simpson) TR DP2S16 DNP11
HB 1107 f Children with disabilities Dickerson,Talcott APP DPS30 w/oRec1
HB 1142 f Pyramid promotional schemes Chase,Conway CL DPS8
ESHB 1301 Capitol campus governance CB (Hunt) CB DP2S24 w/oRec4
HB 1360 f Ancestral trees Hunt,Chase NREP DPS7 DNP4
HB 1361 Air pollution cntrl agencies Alexander,Simpson LG DP7
SHB 1374 Manufactured home location HOUS(Simpson) HOUS DP2S9
HB 1395 f Business & professions Wood,Conway CL DP2S8
SHB 1430 f Malt liquor CL (Wood) CL DP2S8
2SHB 1483 f Investing in youth program APP (Dickerson) APP DP4S31
HB 1488 f Brominated flame retardants Hunter,Priest APP DP2S(w/o sub NREP)16 DNP12
HB 1514 f Day-time running lights Simpson,Sullivan, P. TR DPS19 DNP6
HB 1595 Port districts McDermott,Woods LG DP2S5 DNP2
HB 1813 Rural library district bonds Williams,DeBolt LG DP7
HB 1827 f Motor vehicle dealers Wood,Condotta CL DPS9
HB 1944 af State employee raffles Hunt,Williams CL DPS9
HB 1964 Walla Walla sweet onion Walsh,Grant SGOA DP9
EHB 2219 Urban industrial land banks Hunt,DeBolt LG DPS7
HB 2322 Phosphorus in dish detergent Ormsby NREP DP7 DNP4
HB 2329 Disclosure of DSHS info Hunter,Alexander SGOA DP6 DNP3
HB 2334 Residential density Appleton,Woods LG DPS5 w/oRec2
HB 2340 f Mortgage brokers Kirby,Roach APP DP30
HB 2344 f Clallam county judges Kessler,Buck APP DPS(JUDI)28 w/oRec2
HB 2345 Fire protection services Simpson,Rodne LG DPS7
HB 2350 Energy infrastructure info Morris,Hudgins SGOA DPS6 DNP3
HB 2352 Net metering Morris,Hudgins TEC DPS10
HB 2372 Hunter education Cox,Buri NREP DPS11
HB 2376 f Cost-sharing/medical program Clibborn,Morrell APP DPS(HC)19 DNP12
HB 2382 Bovine handling facilities Kretz,Haler JUDI DPS10
HB 2383 $f Task force on aerospace Sullivan, B.,McCoy EDAT DPS22
HB 2384 f State geological survey Dickerson,Buck APP DPS(NREP)30
HB 2386 f Commercial geoduck harvest Sullivan, B.,Chase NREP DP11
HB 2389 Porphyria/special parking Kagi,Moeller TR DPS26
HB 2398 State health care programs Cody,Morrell HC DP9 DNP6
HB 2403 Distributive generation Morris,Sullivan, B. TEC DPS7 w/oRec5
HB 2404 f Retainer hlth care practices Cody,Morrell HC DPS15
HB 2408 f Felony sex offenders O'Brien,Rodne CJC DP6 DNP1
HB 2409 f Sex/kidnapping offenders O'Brien,Rodne CJC DP7
HB 2410 f Sex offenders O'Brien,Rodne CJC DP6 DNP1
HB 2420 f Lieutenant governor Kessler,Haigh SGOA DPS9
HB 2432 f Property tax exemption Campbell,Morrell FIN DPS11
HB 2437 f Refueling stations Hudgins,Chase SGOA DPS7 DNP2
HB 2439 f Home sales/military Hudgins,Kilmer FIN DPS11
HB 2446 School district contracting Buri,Sump LG DPS7
HB 2447 f New regional centers Condotta,Armstrong FIN DPS11
HB 2453 Prprty insurance inspection Williams,Hunt FII DP11
HB 2463 Dental licensure Moeller,Morrell HC DPS15
HB 2465 f Vehicle equipment standards Lovick,Kessler TR DP27
HB 2466 f Tax relief for aerospace Lovick,McCoy FIN DP9 w/oRec2
HB 2479 f Voting equipment Haigh,Nixon SGOA DPS6 DNP3
HB 2481 Insuring victims of crimes Williams,Blake FII DPS10 DNP1
HB 2483 f Child care providers Hunter,Jarrett CFS DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 2492 f Offender registration Lovick,Strow CJC DPS6 DNP1
HB 2493 f Law enforcement vehicles Kilmer,Lantz TR DPS26
HB 2495 f Government efficiency Kilmer,Holmquist SGOA DPS9
HB 2497 National guard Kilmer,Buri FII DPS11
HB 2499 f Insurance comm authority Schual-Berke,Morrell HC DP9 DNP5
HB 2500 f Health carrier information Green,Morrell HC DPS15
HB 2501 f Mental health services Schual-Berke,Cody HC DP15
HB 2507 f False college degrees Kenney,Shabro HEWE DPS12
HB 2509 Local ballot measures/taxes Takko,Morrell LG DPS7
HB 2517 f Minimum labor standards Cody,Conway CL DPS5 DNP4
HB 2536 f Disability pension options Conway,McCoy CL DP8
HB 2538 f Warrants/chapter 49.17 RCW Conway,Hudgins CL DPS8
HB 2540 Individual health insurance Schual-Berke,Morrell HC DPS9 DNP6
HB 2550 f Amending capitl bdgt 2005-07 Dunshee,Jarrett CB DPS26
HB 2551 Limited liability companies Dunshee SGOA DP6 DNP3
HB 2560 f Alcoholic beverage licenses Conway,Wood CL DP7 DNP1
HB 2562 f Flavored malt beverage Wood,Conway CL DP8
HB 2563 f Processing liquor licenses Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 2564 f Veterans/discrimination Kilmer,Strow SGOA DP9
HB 2570 f Tobacco product sampling Morrell,Campbell HC DPS15
HB 2571 Health care services debt Morrell,Cody JUDI DPS10
HB 2573 f Health info technology Morrell,Wallace HC DPS9 DNP6
HB 2580 f Canned salmon Upthegrove,Schual-Berke FIN DP10
HB 2587 Lady Washington Blake,Buck SGOA DP9
HB 2590 Nonprofit/zoological purpose Dickerson,McIntire FIN DPS11
HB 2596 f Cosmetology apprenticeship Kenney,McDonald CL DPS9
HB 2600 f Construction contractors Moeller,Conway CL DPS5 DNP4
HB 2603 f Sealing diversion records Roberts,Dickerson JJFL DPS7
HB 2606 f Volunteer fire personnel Curtis,Takko LG DP7
HB 2607 Vacation of county roads Curtis,Haler LG DPS7
HB 2608 f VFF&RO's relief & pension Curtis,Takko APP DPS29
HB 2615 f Private air ambulances Quall,Morris FII DP11
HB 2622 Concealed pistol licenses Blake,Buck JUDI DP10
HB 2624 f Park passes Sullivan, B.,Buck NREP DPS11
HB 2627 f Unneeded park land sale Sullivan, B.,Buck NREP DPS11
HB 2643 f Vehicles/hydraulic systems Clements,Kenney TR DP27
HB 2644 f Public utility tax credit Sullivan, P.,Crouse FIN DP10
HB 2653 f Human body parts Darneille,Clements CJC DP7
HB 2654 f Sex offender treatment Darneille,Strow CJC DPS7
HB 2655 Metropolitan prk dist fund Takko,Orcutt LG DP7
HB 2656 County lien authority Takko,Schindler LG DPS7
HB 2669 f Specialty hospitals Cody,Green HC DPS9 DNP5
HB 2670 f Hospital benefit zones Kilmer,Lantz FIN DPS6 DNP5
HB 2671 f Excise tax relief Ericks,Kessler FIN DP10
HB 2676 Interlocal agreements Linville,Jarrett LG DP7
HB 2680 f TERS service credit Conway,Fromhold APP DPS29
HB 2681 f Retirement contribution rate Conway,Fromhold APP DP27
HB 2687 f Minimum monthly benefit Bailey,Conway APP DP30
HB 2688 f LEOFFRS plan 1 Fromhold,Conway APP DPS21 DNP9
HB 2689 f Public employment of retiree Bailey,Conway APP DPS29
HB 2690 f Additional service credit Crouse,Conway APP DP27
HB 2691 f Retirement for justices Crouse,Fromhold APP DPS29
HB 2693 Commercial driver's licenses Buri,Grant TR DP28
HB 2694 Saturday counting of ballots Haigh,Nixon SGOA DPS9
HB 2695 f Ballot notice requirements Haigh,Sump SGOA DPS7 DNP2
HB 2700 f Community protection zones O'Brien,Ericks CJC DP5 DNP2
HB 2701 f Assault of child/second deg O'Brien,Pearson CJC DPS7
HB 2710 f Hydraulic permit appeals Buck,Sullivan, B. NREP DP11
HB 2711 f Grandparents/visitation Kagi,Kessler JJFL DPS7
HB 2713 Ballot measures Simpson,Woods SGOA DPS6 DNP3
HB 2715 f Interoperability exec comm Ericks,Anderson TEC DPS12
HB 2718 Manufactured home parks Morris,Holmquist HOUS DP9
HB 2719 f Taxes on mobile homes O'Brien,Schindler HOUS DP9
HB 2753 f Electronic voter registratn Haigh,Nixon SGOA DPS8 DNP1
HB 2757 Limited liability companies Kirby,Roach FII DP11
HB 2759 f Transfer of real property Ericks,Pearson CB DPS27 DNP1
HB 2761 f Money laundering Springer,Rodne JUDI DPS10
HB 2762 Criminal background checks Dickerson,Ahern CJC DP7
HB 2765 Hazards to motorcycles Buri,Clibborn TR DP28
HB 2776 Home heating fuel Dickerson,Kirby FII DPS11
HB 2778 f Convention/tourism promotion Murray,Kristiansen FIN DPS10
HB 2801 Homeowners' associations Chase,Morrell JUDI DP10
HB 2813 f Shopping carts O'Brien,Williams JUDI DPS9
HB 2825 f Juveniles/disposition Lovick,McCoy JJFL DP7
HB 2833 f Volunteer fire fighter board Haigh,Eickmeyer APP DPS30
HB 2836 Reading achievement account Sommers,Kagi APP DPS27 DNP2
HB 2843 f Absentee ballots Holmquist,Haigh SGOA DPS9
HB 2846 f Campaign finance disclosure Miloscia,Hunt SGOA DPS9
HB 2848 f Domestic violence info Lantz,Ericks JUDI DPS10
HB 2857 Student regents & trustees Kenney,Sells HEWE DP11
HB 2863 Retail installment contracts Kirby,Roach FII DPS11
HB 2874 f Design-build/trans projects Murray,Ericksen TR DP28
HB 2876 f Sound & video recordings Ericksen,Wood JUDI DPS10
HB 2879 f Real estate excise tax McIntire FIN DP11
HB 2880 f Insurance premiums tax McIntire FIN DPS6 DNP4
HB 2889 f Freight mobility multimodal Woods,Hankins TR DP28
HB 2893 Sex offender/parenting plan Simpson,Sullivan, P. JJFL DPS7
HB 2895 Methamphetamine manufacture Lovick,Curtis CFS DPS9
HB 2897 f Caterer's liquor license Condotta,Dunn CL DP8
HB 2900 Joint operating agencies Sullivan, B. LG DP7
HB 2908 Island county boundaries Bailey,Schindler LG DPS7
HB 2927 f Retirement for judges Fromhold,Crouse APP DP31
HB 2932 f LEOFFRS disability allowance Darneille,Curtis APP DP29
HB 2934 f LEOFFRS killed at work Simpson,Priest APP DPS31
HB 2957 Timber purchases Blake,Orcutt NREP DP11
HB 2960 Rental of county equipment Kessler LG DP7
HB 2972 Community rates/health plans Clibborn,Hinkle HC DP14
HB 2974 f Health profession discipline Cody,Morrell HC DPS9 DNP5
HB 2975 State securities act Newhouse,Kirby FII DP11
HB 2976 WWU collective bargaining Sommers,Hasegawa APP DPS28
HB 2979 Parenting plans Hasegawa,Chase JJFL DPS7
HB 2983 f Sex offender information O'Brien,Ericks CJC DP7
HB 2988 County sales & use taxes McIntire,Upthegrove FIN DP6 DNP5
HB 2991 f Metropolitan park districts Darneille,Walsh LG DP7
HB 2992 f Juvenile taken into custody Moeller,Darneille JJFL DPS7
HB 3019 Charter counties Haigh,Alexander LG DP7
HB 3024 Schools/public works project Haigh,Cox SGOA DPS9
HB 3035 Statutory costs Williams,Rodne JUDI DP10
HB 3036 Notices of dishonor Lantz,Rodne JUDI DP10
HB 3039 f Nitrogen discharges McCoy,Eickmeyer HOOD DPS4 DNP3
HB 3041 Voter registration Alexander,Nixon SGOA DP9
HB 3046 f Beer commission Sullivan, P.,Newhouse EDAT DPS22
HB 3048 f Family support act Moeller,Darneille JJFL DP7
HB 3056 Payment of claims Takko,Woods LG DP7
HB 3057 f Address confidentiality Green,Nixon SGOA DP9
HB 3058 f Public records provisions Green,Nixon SGOA DPS9
HB 3066 Account receivable Lantz,Rodne JUDI DP10
HB 3073 f Shared leave for emergencies McIntire,Nixon SGOA DP9
HB 3074 Military status/defendants Serben,Lantz JUDI DP10
HB 3078 f WW II oral history project Conway,Haigh SGOA DP9
HB 3085 f Public lands statutes Blake,Kretz NREP DPS11
HB 3099 Information services board Hudgins,Crouse TEC DP11
HB 3106 Higher edu public works Kenney,Buri SGOA DP6 DNP3
HB 3122 f Child protective services Kagi,Walsh CFS DP8 DNP1
HB 3134 f Compensation for disability Conway,Wood CL DP8
HB 3156 f Low-income persons Darneille,Haler CFS DP8 w/oRec1
HB 3157 f Financial literacy/TANF Darneille,Haler CFS DP9
HB 3180 Contractors with the state Haigh,Nixon SGOA DPS9
HB 3186 Disposition orders Dickerson,Rodne JJFL DPS7
HB 3205 Conditional release O'Brien,Clements CJC DP7
HB 3275 Small water impounds Hinkle EDAT DP21
HB 3276 Voting restrictions/felons Darneille,Upthegrove SGOA DP9
HJM 4031 Marine mammal protection act Appleton,Sullivan, B. NREP DP10 DNP1
HJM 4032 Airline pension relief Upthegrove,Schual-Berke CL DP8
HJM 4036 Employee free choice act Conway,Ormsby CL DP5 DNP3
HJM 4038 Diabetes educators Hinkle,Cody HC DP14