Washington State Senate 1st Order

2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1065 Armed forces license plate TRAN DPA10 RUL
SHB 1116 Ski & ride Wa license plate TRAN DPA10 RUL
SHB 1179 HOV lanes pilot project TRAN DPA9 DNP1 RUL
HB 1180 Vehicle size limits TRAN DP10 RUL
SHB 1181 Ocean-going containers TRAN DPA10 RUL
2SHB 1188 f State patrol officer wages TRAN DPA10 RUL
SHB 1216 Wild on WA license plates TRAN DPA10 RUL
SHB 1218 Endngrd wildlife lic plate TRAN DPA10 RUL
HB 1232 f State patrol officers TRAN DP10 RUL
ESHB 1252 Family & consumer science ed EKHE DPA14 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1254 f Share the road license plate TRAN DPA10 RUL
HB 1259 f Tech corrections/RCW 46.87 TRAN DP10 RUL
HB 1260 f Driver's lic exam waiver TRAN DP10 RUL
SHB 1266 f Commercial drivers TRAN DPA9 RUL
HB 1469 f Commercial motor vehicle law TRAN DPA10 RUL
HB 1598 f County road administratn brd TRAN DP10 RUL
HB 1599 f County engineer TRAN DP10 RUL
HB 1600 f County road project report TRAN DP9 RUL
SHB 1711 Parking/disabilities TRAN DPA9 w/oRec1 RUL
E2SHB 1794 Baccalaureate degree prgrms EKHE DPA13 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 1798 Motorist information signs TRAN DPA9 w/oRec1 RUL
Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9296 PHILIP JONES, Member, Utilities and Transportation Commission TRAN w/oRec10 WEE