Washington State Senate 1st Order

2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 6090 $ Operating budget 2005-07 WM DPS9 MMR7 RUL
Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
EHB 1003 Off-road vehicles NROR DPA5 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1048 Property tax estimates GO DP8 RUL
SHB 1097 Keep kids safe license plate TRAN DP10 RUL
SHB 1113 Traffic signal devices JUD w/oRec7 TRAN
HB 1211 f Deer & elk hunting NROR DP5 DNP1 WM
E2SHB 1291 f Patient safety practices HEA DP7 DNP3 RUL
SHB 1313 Parks & recreation comm NROR DP6 WM
2SHB 1316 Prescription importation HEA DPA8 RUL
SHB 1406 f Specialized forest products NROR DP6 WM
SHB 1430 f Malt liquor LCRD DP7 RUL
SHB 1431 Alcoholic beverage courses LCRD DP7 RUL
SHB 1491 Aquatic lands statutes NROR DP6 RUL
HB 1557 Electrical board LCRD DP5 DNP2 RUL
HB 1621 Liquor purchase/ID LCRD DP7 RUL
HB 1625 Employee information LCRD DP7 RUL
SHB 1657 f Bridges across waterways NROR DP6 RUL
SHB 1806 Transfer of technology LCRD DP7 RUL
SHB 1856 f Industrial ins fund audits LCRD DPA7 RUL
E2SHB 1896 f Geoduck harvest NROR DP6 WM
SHB 1918 f Industrial ins injury report LCRD DP7 RUL
HB 1944 f State employee raffles LCRD DP7 RUL
HB 1958 f Fisheries buyback programs NROR DP6, On motion referred to Rules RUL
SHB 2033 Municipal b & o taxation GO w/oRec6 WM
EHB 2241 Recreational facilities GO DP6 w/oRec1 RUL