Washington State Senate 1st Order

2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1058 f Mental health for minors HSC DPA7 RUL
EHB 1068 f Student assessments EKHE DPA9 DNP4 RUL
HB 1072 f Controlled substances JUD DP9 RUL
HB 1081 f Law enforcement applicants JUD DPA7 RUL
HB 1125 Trusts and estates JUD DP6 RUL
HB 1136 f Electronic monitoring system HSC DPA6 RUL
SHB 1147 f Community protection zones HSC DPA7 RUL
ESHB 1150 Dangerous dogs JUD DPA5 w/oRec2 RUL
ESHB 1153 f Municipal service costs GO DPA6 DNP4 RUL
SHB 1159 Liquefied petroleum gas JUD DP7 DNP1 RUL
HB 1160 f Violence in state hospitals HSC DP7 RUL
HB 1161 Notification about offenders HSC DP7 RUL
SHB 1171 Denial of dissolution decree JUD DP6 RUL
EHB 1187 f Youthful offenders HSC DPA5 DNP1 RUL
HB 1206 Obsolete or superseded laws JUD DPA8 RUL
2SHB 1220 f Long-term care financing HEA DPA11, On motion referred to Rules RUL
SHB 1236 Aiding injured persons JUD DPA5 RUL
HB 1262 Judicial compensation JUD DP9 RUL
HB 1279 Public access to hearings HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 1280 Kinship care committee HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 1281 Medical care for minors HSC DPA7 RUL
E2SHB 1290 f Community mental health HSC DPA7, On motion referred to Rules RUL
HB 1294 Antiharassment hearings JUD DP8 RUL
HB 1296 Antiharassment crt jurisdctn JUD DP9 RUL
SHB 1304 Animal cruelty JUD DP7 DNP1 RUL
ESHB 1314 Domestic violence prevention JUD DPA8 w/oRec1, On motion referred to WM WM
SHB 1337 Sex offender records HSC DP7 RUL
HB 1338 f Registered offender web site HSC DP7 RUL
SHB 1344 f Fugitives HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 1345 Part-time student fin aid EKHE DPA14 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 1365 f Community services' cases HEA DP6 MMR3 RUL
SHB 1366 Video game rating systems HSC DPA7 RUL
ESHB 1402 f Offender travel or transfer HSC DPA6 WM
SHB 1426 Incarcerated parents HSC DPA7 RUL
HB 1432 Classified school employees EKHE DP16 RUL
SHB 1467 Reporting of child abuse HSC DPA7 RUL
HB 1471 Authentication of documents JUD DP9 RUL
2SHB 1483 f Investing in youth program HSC DPA6 WM
ESHB 1494 f Hlth care for schl children EKHE DP11 DNP5 RUL
SHB 1495 f Tribal history in schools EKHE DPA13 w/oRec2 RUL
2SHB 1516 Health services for children HEA DPA6 w/oRec5 WM
SHB 1560 Comm college tuition waivers EKHE DP13 RUL
SHB 1591 f Assisted care facilities HEA DPA11 RUL
ESHB 1633 f Digital learning programs EKHE DPA16 RUL
ESHB 1635 Ambulance services funding GO DPA6 RUL
SHB 1652 Fire protection districts HEA DP9 w/oRec1 RUL
SHB 1661 Juvenile proceedings HSC DP7 RUL
HB 1668 Admin office of the courts JUD DP8 DNP1 RUL
SHB 1681 Background check task force HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 1687 Firearms/insanity JUD DPA8 RUL
SHB 1699 Real estate agreements JUD DPA8 RUL
HB 1717 Broadcast of legal notices JUD DP8 RUL
SHB 1719 School district bidding EKHE DP10 MMR5 RUL
HB 1769 Jury source lists JUD DP9 RUL
HB 1837 Child witnesses JUD DP5 RUL
EHB 1848 Multiunit residential bldgs JUD DPA7 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1872 f Ignition interlock devices JUD DP8 RUL
SHB 1893 Teachers of the deaf EKHE DPA15 w/oRec1 RUL
SHB 1934 f Assault of a peace officer JUD DPA9 RUL
HB 1966 f Identity theft JUD DP6, On motion referred to WM WM
HB 1986 Review of tuition waivers EKHE DP14 w/oRec2 RUL
EHB 1998 Student achievement EKHE DP9 WM
E2SHB 2015 f Substance abuse treatment JUD DP5 w/oRec3 RUL
2SHB 2030 Guardianship of children HSC DPA7 WM
HB 2058 f School employees/sex offense EKHE DP16 RUL
SHB 2061 Juvenile court HSC DP6 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2064 f Juvenile court jurisdiction HSC DP7 RUL
E2SHB 2069 f Small business assist prog HEA DPA9 MMR2 WM
SHB 2073 Juvenile sentencing HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 2085 $f Cleanup of waste tires WEE DPA7 DNP1 WM
HB 2101 f Offenders who are students HSC DPA7 RUL
HB 2115 f Opiate treatment programs HSC DP7 RUL
ESHB 2126 Dependent persons JUD DPA8 RUL
SHB 2156 Parental rights/termination HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 2169 Family day care HSC DPA6 DNP1 RUL
SHB 2173 Service member civil relief JUD DPA9 RUL
HB 2189 f Child welfare services staff HSC DPA7 RUL
ESHB 2194 Growth management GO DP6 MMR2 RUL
2SHB 2212 f Educator certification EKHE DPA16 RUL
SHB 2215 Background checks HSC DPA7 RUL
EHB 2219 Urban industrial land banks GO DP6 MMR3 RUL
SHB 2223 f Records concerning sx offndr HSC DP7 RUL
EHB 2254 Quality improvement programs HEA DP10 RUL
ESHB 2266 f Precursor drugs JUD DPA5 w/oRec3, On motion referred to WM WM
SHJR 4205 School levies EKHE DP11 DNP5 WM
Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9009 SALVADOR BELTRAN, JR., Member, Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9013 MICHAEL BLAKELY, Member, Board of Trustees, Big Bend Community College District No. 18 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9023 BEN CABILDO, Member, Board of Trustees, Spokane and Spokane Falls Community Colleges District No. 17 EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9024 PAUL R. CALDERON, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors ITED BC7 RUL
SGA 9037 R. GARY CULBERT, Member, Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9083 EDWARD JAMES, JR., Member, Board of Trustees, Renton Technical College District No. 27 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9095 JOE KING, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University EKHE BC10 RUL
SGA 9105 DAVID E. LAMB, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors ITED BC7 RUL
SGA 9121 MIKE D. MARAVE, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors ITED BC7 RUL
SGA 9126 ENRIQUETA MAYUGA, M.D., Member, Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9150 BERTHA ORTEGA, Member, Board of Trustees, Eastern Washington University EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9154 JOHN PERRYMAN, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors ITED BC7 RUL
SGA 9175 PAUL ROLLINS, JR., Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors ITED BC7 RUL
SGA 9182 IRA SENGUPTA, Member, Board of Trustees, Renton Technical College District No. 27 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9204 JOSIE VILLA, Member, Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9219 ALEX BOLTON, Member, Board of Regents, University of Washington EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9220 BRADY HORENSTEIN, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9224 MAYA TOMLIN, Member, Board of Trustees, Western Washington University EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9225 DYAMI ALLEN, Member, Board of Trustees, The Evergreen State College EKHE BC11 RUL
SGA 9246 MICHAEL GRUNWALD, Member, Board of Trustees, Bates Technical College District No. 28 EKHE BC13 RUL
SGA 9259 PAUL MCDONALD, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 16 (Yakima Valley Community College) EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9260 HELEN MCGOVERN, Member, Board of Trustees, Clover Park Technical College District No. 29 EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9264 MAURI MOORE, Member, Board of Trustees, Edmonds Community College District No. 23 EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9276 MARY SELECKY, Secretary, Department of Health HEA BC11 RUL
SGA 9283 PATRICIA WHITEFOOT, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 16 (Yakima Valley Community College) EKHE BC12 RUL
SGA 9285 MICHAEL WORTHY, Member, Higher Education Coordinating Board EKHE BC13 RUL
SGA 9289 MICHAEL MARTINO, Member, Board of Trustees, Cascadia Community College District No. 30 EKHE BC9 RUL
SGA 9291 ROY WILKINSON, Member, Board of Trustees, Cascadia Community College District No. 30 EKHE BC8 RUL
SGA 9309 KAREN SEINFELD, Member, Board of Trustees, Bates Technical College District No. 28 EKHE BC12 RUL