5652-S2 AMH BAIL VANS 007
2SSB 5652 - H AMDH AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H3330.1) 590
By Representative Bailey
FAILED 4/9/2007
On page 4, beginning on line 1 of the amendment, after "Shall" strike all material through "specifies;" on line 3 and insert "provide an accounting of program expenditures and outcomes, including job creation, access to capital, leveraging of nonstate funds, and other relevant outcome measures, to the joint legislative audit and review committee by September 30, 2008. By November 30, 2008, the committee shall use these outcome data and other relevant information to evaluate the program's effectiveness and to recommend to the legislature the program's continuation in the 2009-11 biennium, its continuation only with specified changes, or its termination on June 30, 2009;"
EFFECT: Requires CTED to provide an accounting of program expenditures and outcomes to JLARC by September 30, 2008. Directs that JLARC use these data and other relevant information by November 30, 2008 to evaluate the program's effectiveness and recommend its continuation into the '09-'11 biennium or termination on June 30, 2009.