SSB 6448 -
By Committee on Human Services
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that a developmental
disability is a natural part of human life, and the presence of a
developmental disability in the life of a person does not diminish the
person's rights or opportunity to participate fully in the life of the
local community.
The legislature recognizes that the number of children who have a
developmental disability along with intense behaviors is increasing and
more families are seeking out-of-home placement for their children.
The legislature intends that services be created to develop skills and
supports designed for the child, family members, and others involved in
the child's life to avoid disruption to the family and reduce the need
for out-of-home placement.
Within available funds, the legislature directs the department of
social and health services to submit a federal waiver application
through which services may be provided to allow a child with a
developmental disability who has intense behaviors to have a permanent
and stable familial relationship. The legislature intends for these
services to be locally based and offered as early as possible to avoid
family disruption and out-of-home placement.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 (1) Upon receipt of a federal home and
community-based care waiver and to the extent funding is appropriated
for this purpose, intensive behavior support services may be provided
by the department of social and health services, directly or by
contract, to children with developmental disabilities who have intense
behaviors and their families.
(2) The department shall be the lead administrative agency for
intensive behavior support services and shall:
(a) Collaborate with appropriate stakeholders to develop and
implement the intensive behavior support services program within the
division of developmental disabilities;
(b) Utilize best practices and evidence-based practices;
(c) Provide coordination and planning for the implementation of
intensive in-home services;
(d) Contract for the provision of intensive in-home services;
(e) Monitor and evaluate services to determine whether the program
meets standards identified in the service contract;
(f) Collect data regarding the number of families served, and cost
and outcomes of the program;
(g) Adopt appropriate rules to implement the program;
(h) License out-of-home respite placements on a timely basis;
(i) Maintain an appropriate staff-to-client ratio; and
(j) Assess the child for placement in a waiver program if the child
has more complex needs and the family is unable to care for the child
at home.
(3) A child may receive services when the department has determined
(a) The child is under the age of twenty-one;
(b) The child has a developmental disability and has been
determined eligible for these services;
(c) The child/family score is substantially high enough on the
behavior sections of the assessment conducted by the division of
developmental disabilities within the department to indicate the
child's behavior puts the child or family at significant risk and/or is
very likely to require an out-of-home placement;
(d) The child meets eligibility for the home and community-based
care waiver or waivers;
(e) The child resides in his or her family home or is temporarily
in an out-of-home placement with a plan to return home;
(f) The family demonstrates the ability and willingness to learn
the skills necessary to participate in the care outlined in the
completed individual support plan; and
(g) The family is not subject to a pending child protective
services referral.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 (1) Intensive behavior support services
under the program authorized in section 2 of this act shall be provided
through a core team of highly trained individuals either directly or by
(2) The intensive behavior support services program shall be
designed to enhance the child's and parent's skills to manage
behaviors, increase family and personal self-sufficiency, improve
functioning of the family, reduce stress on children and families, and
assist the family to locate and use other community services.
(3) The core team shall have the following characteristics and
(a) Expertise in behavior management, therapies, and children's
crisis intervention, or have access to such specialized expertise;
(b) Ability to coordinate the array of services and supports needed
to stabilize the family;
(c) Ability to conduct transition planning as the individual and
the individual's family leave the program; and
(d) Ability to authorize or coordinate the services in the family's
home and other environments, such as schools and neighborhoods.
(4) The following types of services would constitute intensive
behavior support services:
(a) Behavior consultation;
(b) Minor home adaptations;
(c) Motor vehicle adaptations;
(d) Goods, services, and supplies;
(e) In-home daily care;
(f) Therapies;
(g) In-home respite and planned out-of-home respite;
(h) Intensive behavior management training of families and other
individuals and partners working with the child in all domains,
including the school and an individualized education plan team; and
(i) Coordination and planning.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 Sections 1 through 3 of this act constitute
a new chapter in Title
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 The sum of two million eight hundred
thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is
appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, from the general
fund to the department of social and health services to serve up to one
hundred children under this act."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Extends the age of eligibility from age 17 until age 20 and adds language to clarify that out-of-home placements under this provision would be for respite purposes only.