2SHB 2344 -
By Committee on Transportation
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1 RCW 36.70A.070 and 2005 c 360 s 2 are each amended to
read as follows:
The comprehensive plan of a county or city that is required or
chooses to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall consist of a map or maps,
and descriptive text covering objectives, principles, and standards
used to develop the comprehensive plan. The plan shall be an
internally consistent document and all elements shall be consistent
with the future land use map. A comprehensive plan shall be adopted
and amended with public participation as provided in RCW 36.70A.140.
Each comprehensive plan shall include a plan, scheme, or design for
each of the following:
(1) A land use element designating the proposed general
distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land, where
appropriate, for agriculture, timber production, housing, commerce,
industry, recreation, open spaces, general aviation airports, public
utilities, public facilities, and other land uses. The land use
element shall include population densities, building intensities, and
estimates of future population growth. The land use element shall
provide for protection of the quality and quantity of ground water used
for public water supplies. Wherever possible, the land use element
should consider utilizing urban planning approaches that promote
physical activity. Where applicable, the land use element shall review
drainage, flooding, and storm water run-off in the area and nearby
jurisdictions and provide guidance for corrective actions to mitigate
or cleanse those discharges that pollute waters of the state, including
Puget Sound or waters entering Puget Sound.
(2) A housing element ensuring the vitality and character of
established residential neighborhoods that: (a) Includes an inventory
and analysis of existing and projected housing needs that identifies
the number of housing units necessary to manage projected growth; (b)
includes a statement of goals, policies, objectives, and mandatory
provisions for the preservation, improvement, and development of
housing, including single-family residences; (c) identifies sufficient
land for housing, including, but not limited to, government-assisted
housing, housing for low-income families, manufactured housing,
multifamily housing, and group homes and foster care facilities; and
(d) makes adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all
economic segments of the community.
(3) A capital facilities plan element consisting of: (a) An
inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities,
showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities; (b) a
forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities; (c) the
proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital
facilities; (d) at least a six-year plan that will finance such capital
facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies
sources of public money for such purposes; and (e) a requirement to
reassess the land use element if probable funding falls short of
meeting existing needs and to ensure that the land use element, capital
facilities plan element, and financing plan within the capital
facilities plan element are coordinated and consistent. Park and
recreation facilities shall be included in the capital facilities plan
(4) A utilities element consisting of the general location,
proposed location, and capacity of all existing and proposed utilities,
including, but not limited to, electrical lines, telecommunication
lines, and natural gas lines.
(5) Rural element. Counties shall include a rural element
including lands that are not designated for urban growth, agriculture,
forest, or mineral resources. The following provisions shall apply to
the rural element:
(a) Growth management act goals and local circumstances. Because
circumstances vary from county to county, in establishing patterns of
rural densities and uses, a county may consider local circumstances,
but shall develop a written record explaining how the rural element
harmonizes the planning goals in RCW 36.70A.020 and meets the
requirements of this chapter.
(b) Rural development. The rural element shall permit rural
development, forestry, and agriculture in rural areas. The rural
element shall provide for a variety of rural densities, uses, essential
public facilities, and rural governmental services needed to serve the
permitted densities and uses. To achieve a variety of rural densities
and uses, counties may provide for clustering, density transfer, design
guidelines, conservation easements, and other innovative techniques
that will accommodate appropriate rural densities and uses that are not
characterized by urban growth and that are consistent with rural
(c) Measures governing rural development. The rural element shall
include measures that apply to rural development and protect the rural
character of the area, as established by the county, by:
(i) Containing or otherwise controlling rural development;
(ii) Assuring visual compatibility of rural development with the
surrounding rural area;
(iii) Reducing the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land
into sprawling, low-density development in the rural area;
(iv) Protecting critical areas, as provided in RCW 36.70A.060, and
surface water and ground water resources; and
(v) Protecting against conflicts with the use of agricultural,
forest, and mineral resource lands designated under RCW 36.70A.170.
(d) Limited areas of more intensive rural development. Subject to
the requirements of this subsection and except as otherwise
specifically provided in this subsection (5)(d), the rural element may
allow for limited areas of more intensive rural development, including
necessary public facilities and public services to serve the limited
area as follows:
(i) Rural development consisting of the infill, development, or
redevelopment of existing commercial, industrial, residential, or
mixed-use areas, whether characterized as shoreline development,
villages, hamlets, rural activity centers, or crossroads developments.
(A) A commercial, industrial, residential, shoreline, or mixed-use
area shall be subject to the requirements of (d)(iv) of this
subsection, but shall not be subject to the requirements of (c)(ii) and
(iii) of this subsection.
(B) Any development or redevelopment other than an industrial area
or an industrial use within a mixed-use area or an industrial area
under this subsection (5)(d)(i) must be principally designed to serve
the existing and projected rural population.
(C) Any development or redevelopment in terms of building size,
scale, use, or intensity shall be consistent with the character of the
existing areas. Development and redevelopment may include changes in
use from vacant land or a previously existing use so long as the new
use conforms to the requirements of this subsection (5);
(ii) The intensification of development on lots containing, or new
development of, small-scale recreational or tourist uses, including
commercial facilities to serve those recreational or tourist uses, that
rely on a rural location and setting, but that do not include new
residential development. A small-scale recreation or tourist use is
not required to be principally designed to serve the existing and
projected rural population. Public services and public facilities
shall be limited to those necessary to serve the recreation or tourist
use and shall be provided in a manner that does not permit low-density
(iii) The intensification of development on lots containing
isolated nonresidential uses or new development of isolated cottage
industries and isolated small-scale businesses that are not principally
designed to serve the existing and projected rural population and
nonresidential uses, but do provide job opportunities for rural
residents. Rural counties may allow the expansion of small-scale
businesses as long as those small-scale businesses conform with the
rural character of the area as defined by the local government
according to RCW 36.70A.030(((14))) (15). Rural counties may also
allow new small-scale businesses to utilize a site previously occupied
by an existing business as long as the new small-scale business
conforms to the rural character of the area as defined by the local
government according to RCW 36.70A.030(((14))) (15). Public services
and public facilities shall be limited to those necessary to serve the
isolated nonresidential use and shall be provided in a manner that does
not permit low-density sprawl;
(iv) A county shall adopt measures to minimize and contain the
existing areas or uses of more intensive rural development, as
appropriate, authorized under this subsection. Lands included in such
existing areas or uses shall not extend beyond the logical outer
boundary of the existing area or use, thereby allowing a new pattern of
low-density sprawl. Existing areas are those that are clearly
identifiable and contained and where there is a logical boundary
delineated predominately by the built environment, but that may also
include undeveloped lands if limited as provided in this subsection.
The county shall establish the logical outer boundary of an area of
more intensive rural development. In establishing the logical outer
boundary the county shall address (A) the need to preserve the
character of existing natural neighborhoods and communities, (B)
physical boundaries such as bodies of water, streets and highways, and
land forms and contours, (C) the prevention of abnormally irregular
boundaries, and (D) the ability to provide public facilities and public
services in a manner that does not permit low-density sprawl;
(v) For purposes of (d) of this subsection, an existing area or
existing use is one that was in existence:
(A) On July 1, 1990, in a county that was initially required to
plan under all of the provisions of this chapter;
(B) On the date the county adopted a resolution under RCW
36.70A.040(2), in a county that is planning under all of the provisions
of this chapter under RCW 36.70A.040(2); or
(C) On the date the office of financial management certifies the
county's population as provided in RCW 36.70A.040(5), in a county that
is planning under all of the provisions of this chapter pursuant to RCW
(e) Exception. This subsection shall not be interpreted to permit
in the rural area a major industrial development or a master planned
resort unless otherwise specifically permitted under RCW 36.70A.360 and
(6) A transportation element that implements, and is consistent
with, the land use element.
(a) The transportation element shall include the following
(i) Land use assumptions used in estimating travel;
(ii) Estimated traffic impacts to state-owned transportation
facilities resulting from land use assumptions to assist the department
of transportation in monitoring the performance of state facilities, to
plan improvements for the facilities, and to assess the impact of land-use decisions on state-owned transportation facilities;
(iii) Facilities and services needs, including:
(A) An inventory of air, water, and ground transportation
facilities and services, including transit alignments and general
aviation airport facilities, to define existing capital facilities and
travel levels as a basis for future planning. This inventory must
include state-owned transportation facilities, and rail facilities,
within the city or county's jurisdictional boundaries. The
identification required by this subsection (6)(a)(iii)(A) must include
an inventory of active and inactive rail corridors and must provide for
and encourage the preservation of these rail corridors for future rail
(B) Level of service standards for all locally owned arterials and
transit routes to serve as a gauge to judge performance of the system.
These standards should be regionally coordinated;
(C) For state-owned transportation facilities, level of service
standards for highways, as prescribed in chapters 47.06 and 47.80 RCW,
to gauge the performance of the system. The purposes of reflecting
level of service standards for state highways in the local
comprehensive plan are to monitor the performance of the system, to
evaluate improvement strategies, and to facilitate coordination between
the county's or city's six-year street, road, or transit program and
the department of transportation's six-year investment program. The
concurrency requirements of (b) of this subsection do not apply to
transportation facilities and services of statewide significance except
for counties consisting of islands whose only connection to the
mainland are state highways or ferry routes. In these island counties,
state highways and ferry route capacity must be a factor in meeting the
concurrency requirements in (b) of this subsection;
(D) Specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance
locally owned transportation facilities or services that are below an
established level of service standard;
(E) Forecasts of traffic for at least ten years based on the
adopted land use plan to provide information on the location, timing,
and capacity needs of future growth;
(F) Identification of state and local system needs to meet current
and future demands. Identified needs on state-owned transportation
facilities must be consistent with the statewide multimodal
transportation plan required under chapter 47.06 RCW;
(iv) Finance, including:
(A) An analysis of funding capability to judge needs against
probable funding resources;
(B) A multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the
comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which shall serve as the
basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program required by RCW
35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795
for public transportation systems. The multiyear financing plan should
be coordinated with the ((six-year)) ten-year improvement program
developed by the department of transportation as required by RCW
(C) If probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs, a
discussion of how additional funding will be raised, or how land use
assumptions will be reassessed to ensure that level of service
standards will be met;
(v) Intergovernmental coordination efforts, including an assessment
of the impacts of the transportation plan and land use assumptions on
the transportation systems of adjacent jurisdictions;
(vi) Demand-management strategies;
(vii) Pedestrian and bicycle component to include collaborative
efforts to identify and designate planned improvements for pedestrian
and bicycle facilities and corridors that address and encourage
enhanced community access and promote healthy lifestyles.
(b) After adoption of the comprehensive plan by jurisdictions
required to plan or who choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040, local
jurisdictions must adopt and enforce ordinances which prohibit
development approval if the development causes the level of service on
a locally owned transportation facility to decline below the standards
adopted in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, unless
transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of
development are made concurrent with the development. These strategies
may include increased public transportation service, ride sharing
programs, demand management, and other transportation systems
management strategies. For the purposes of this subsection (6)
"concurrent with the development" shall mean that improvements or
strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial
commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies
within six years.
(c) The transportation element described in this subsection (6),
and the six-year plans required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW
36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation
systems, and the ten-year plan required by RCW 47.05.030 for the state,
must be consistent.
(7) An economic development element establishing local goals,
policies, objectives, and provisions for economic growth and vitality
and a high quality of life. The element shall include: (a) A summary
of the local economy such as population, employment, payroll, sectors,
businesses, sales, and other information as appropriate; (b) a summary
of the strengths and weaknesses of the local economy defined as the
commercial and industrial sectors and supporting factors such as land
use, transportation, utilities, education, workforce, housing, and
natural/cultural resources; and (c) an identification of policies,
programs, and projects to foster economic growth and development and to
address future needs. A city that has chosen to be a residential
community is exempt from the economic development element requirement
of this subsection.
(8) A park and recreation element that implements, and is
consistent with, the capital facilities plan element as it relates to
park and recreation facilities. The element shall include: (a)
Estimates of park and recreation demand for at least a ten-year period;
(b) an evaluation of facilities and service needs; and (c) an
evaluation of intergovernmental coordination opportunities to provide
regional approaches for meeting park and recreational demand.
(9) It is the intent that new or amended elements required after
January 1, 2002, be adopted concurrent with the scheduled update
provided in RCW 36.70A.130. Requirements to incorporate any such new
or amended elements shall be null and void until funds sufficient to
cover applicable local government costs are appropriated and
distributed by the state at least two years before local government
must update comprehensive plans as required in RCW 36.70A.130.
Sec. 2 RCW 64.06.020 and 2007 c 107 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In a transaction for the sale of improved residential real
property, the seller shall, unless the buyer has expressly waived the
right to receive the disclosure statement under RCW 64.06.010, or
unless the transfer is otherwise exempt under RCW 64.06.010, deliver to
the buyer a completed seller disclosure statement in the following
format and that contains, at a minimum, the following information:
Please complete the following form. Do not leave any spaces blank. If
the question clearly does not apply to the property write "NA." If the
answer is "yes" to any * items, please explain on attached sheets.
Please refer to the line number(s) of the question(s) when you provide
your explanation(s). For your protection you must date and sign each
page of this disclosure statement and each attachment. Delivery of the
disclosure statement must occur not later than five business days,
unless otherwise agreed, after mutual acceptance of a written contract
to purchase between a buyer and a seller.
*If you answer "Yes" to a question with an asterisk (*), please explain your answer and attach documents, if available and not otherwise publicly recorded. If necessary, use an attached sheet. | |||||||||
1. TITLE | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | A. Do you have legal authority to sell the property? If no, please explain. | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *B. Is title to the property subject to any of the following? | ||||||
(1) First right of refusal | |||||||||
(2) Option | |||||||||
(3) Lease or rental agreement | |||||||||
(4) Life estate? | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *C. Are there any encroachments, boundary agreements, or boundary disputes? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *D. Is there a private road or easement agreement for access to the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *E. Are there any rights-of-way, easements, or access limitations that may affect the Buyer's use of the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *F. Are there any written agreements for joint maintenance of an easement or right-of-way? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *G. Is there any study, survey project, or notice that would adversely affect the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *H. Are there any pending or existing assessments against the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *I. Are there any zoning violations, nonconforming uses, or any unusual restrictions on the property that would affect future construction or remodeling? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *J. Is there a boundary survey for the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *K. Are there any covenants, conditions, or restrictions which affect the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *L. Does the property abut an active or inactive rail corridor that is being preserved for future rail purposes? | ||||||
2. WATER | |||||||||
A. Household Water | |||||||||
(1) The source of water for the
property is: [ ] Private or publicly owned water system [ ] Private well serving only the subject property . . . . . . *[ ] Other water system | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *If shared, are there any written agreements? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(2) Is there an easement (recorded or unrecorded) for access to and/or maintenance of the water source? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(3) Are there any known problems or repairs needed? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (4) During your ownership, has the source provided an adequate year-round supply of potable water? If no, please explain. | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(5) Are there any water treatment systems for the property? If yes, are they [ ]Leased [ ]Owned | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(6) Are there any water rights for the property associated with its domestic water supply, such as a water right permit, certificate, or claim? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (a) If yes, has the water right permit, certificate, or claim been assigned, transferred, or changed? | ||||||
(b) If yes, has all or any portion of the water right not been used for five or more successive years? (If yes, please explain.) | |||||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
B. Irrigation Water | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (1) Are there any irrigation water rights for the property, such as a water right permit, certificate, or claim? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(a) If yes, has all or any portion of the water right not been used for five or more successive years? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(b) If so, is the certificate available? (If yes, please attach a copy.) | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (c) If so, has the water right permit, certificate, or claim been assigned, transferred, or changed? If so, explain: | ||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (2) Does the property receive irrigation water from a ditch company, irrigation district, or other entity? If so, please identify the entity that supplies water to the property: | ||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
C. Outdoor Sprinkler System | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (1) Is there an outdoor sprinkler system for the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | (2) If yes, are there any defects in the system? . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(3) If yes, is the sprinkler system connected to irrigation water? | ||||||
A. The property is served by: [ ] Public sewer system, [ ] On-site sewage system (including pipes, tanks, drainfields, and all other component parts) [ ] Other disposal system, please describe: | |||||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | B. If public sewer system service is available to the property, is the house connected to the sewer main? If no, please explain. | ||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | C. Is the property subject to any sewage system fees or charges in addition to those covered in your regularly billed sewer or on-site sewage system maintenance service? | ||||||
D. If the property is connected to an on-site sewage system: | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(1) Was a permit issued for its construction, and was it approved by the local health department or district following its construction? | ||||||
(2) When was it last pumped: | |||||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(3) Are there any defects in the operation of the on-site sewage system? | ||||||
[ ] Don't know | (4) When was it last inspected? | ||||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
By whom: . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Don't know | (5) For how many bedrooms was the on-site sewage system approved? | ||||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . bedrooms | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | E. Are all plumbing fixtures, including laundry drain, connected to the sewer/on-site sewage system? If no, please explain: . . . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *F. Have there been any changes or repairs to the on-site sewage system? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | G. Is the on-site sewage system,
including the drainfield, located entirely
within the boundaries of the property?
If no, please explain. . . . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | H. Does the on-site sewage system
require monitoring and maintenance
services more frequently than once a
year? If yes, please explain. . . . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
4. STRUCTURAL | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *A. Has the roof leaked? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *B. Has the basement flooded or leaked? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *C. Have there been any conversions, additions, or remodeling? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(1) If yes, were all building permits obtained? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *(2) If yes, were all final inspections obtained? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | D. Do you know the age of the house? If yes, year of original construction: | ||||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *E. Has there been any settling, slippage, or sliding of the property or its improvements? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *F. Are there any defects with the following: (If yes, please check applicable items and explain.) | ||||||
□ Foundations | □ Decks | □ Exterior Walls | |||||||
□ Chimneys | □ Interior Walls | □ Fire Alarm | |||||||
□ Doors | □ Windows | □ Patio | |||||||
□ Ceilings | □ Slab Floors | □ Driveways | |||||||
□ Pools | □ Hot Tub | □ Sauna | |||||||
□ Sidewalks | □ Outbuildings | □ Fireplaces | |||||||
□ Garage Floors | □ Walkways | □ Siding | |||||||
□ Other | □ Wood Stoves | ||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *G. Was a structural pest or "whole house" inspection done? If yes, when and by whom was the inspection completed? . . . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | H. During your ownership, has the property had any wood destroying organism or pest infestation? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | I. Is the attic insulated? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | J. Is the basement insulated? | ||||||
*A. If any of the following systems or fixtures are included with the transfer, are there any defects? If yes, please explain. | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Electrical system, including wiring, switches, outlets, and service | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Plumbing system, including pipes, faucets, fixtures, and toilets | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Hot water tank | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Garbage disposal | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Appliances | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Sump pump | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Heating and cooling systems | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Security system [ ] Owned [ ] Leased | ||||||
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
*B. If any of the following fixtures or property is included with the transfer, are they leased? (If yes, please attach copy of lease.) | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Security system . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Tanks (type): . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | Satellite dish . . . . . . Other: . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | A. Is there a Homeowners'
Association? Name of Association . . . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | B. Are there regular periodic assessments: | ||||||
$. . . per [ ] Month [ ] Year [ ] Other . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *C. Are there any pending special assessments? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *D. Are there any shared "common areas" or any joint maintenance agreements (facilities such as walls, fences, landscaping, pools, tennis courts, walkways, or other areas co-owned in undivided interest with others)? | ||||||
7. ENVIRONMENTAL | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *A. Have there been any drainage problems on the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *B. Does the property contain fill material? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *C. Is there any material damage to the property from fire, wind, floods, beach movements, earthquake, expansive soils, or landslides? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | D. Are there any shorelines, wetlands, floodplains, or critical areas on the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *E. Are there any substances, materials, or products on the property that may be environmental concerns, such as asbestos, formaldehyde, radon gas, lead-based paint, fuel or chemical storage tanks, or contaminated soil or water? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *F. Has the property been used for commercial or industrial purposes? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *G. Is there any soil or groundwater contamination? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *H. Are there transmission poles, transformers, or other utility equipment installed, maintained, or buried on the property? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *I. Has the property been used as a legal or illegal dumping site? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *J. Has the property been used as an illegal drug manufacturing site? | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *K. Are there any radio towers in the area that may cause interference with telephone reception? | ||||||
If the property includes a manufactured or mobile home, | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *A. Did you make any alterations to the home? If yes, please describe the alterations: . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *B. Did any previous owner make any alterations to the home? If yes, please describe the alterations: . . . . . . . . . . | ||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *C. If alterations were made, were permits or variances for these alterations obtained? | ||||||
A. Other conditions or defects: | |||||||||
[ ] Yes | [ ] No | [ ] Don't know | *Are there any other existing material defects affecting the property that a prospective buyer should know about? | ||||||
B. Verification: | |||||||||
The foregoing answers and attached explanations (if any) are complete and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and I/we have received a copy hereof. I/we authorize all of my/our real estate licensees, if any, to deliver a copy of this disclosure statement to other real estate licensees and all prospective buyers of the property. | |||||||||
DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . | SELLER . . . . . . . . . . . . | SELLER . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||||
A. | Buyer hereby acknowledges that: Buyer has a duty to pay diligent attention to any material defects that are known to Buyer or can be known to Buyer by utilizing diligent attention and observation. | ||||||||
B. | The disclosures set forth in this statement and in any amendments to this statement are made only by the Seller and not by any real estate licensee or other party. | ||||||||
C. | Buyer acknowledges that, pursuant to RCW 64.06.050(2), real estate licensees are not liable for inaccurate information provided by Seller, except to the extent that real estate licensees know of such inaccurate information. | ||||||||
D. | This information is for disclosure only and is not intended to be a part of the written agreement between the Buyer and Seller. | ||||||||
E. | Buyer (which term includes all persons signing the "Buyer's acceptance" portion of this disclosure statement below) has received a copy of this Disclosure Statement (including attachments, if any) bearing Seller's signature. |
2SHB 2344 -
By Committee on Transportation
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "corridors;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 36.70A.070 and 64.06.020."
EFFECT: Removes the intent section and the section that requires DOT to convene an abandonment review panel.