ESHB 3329
C 205 L 08
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Prioritizing four-year higher education institutions' capital project requests.
Sponsors: By House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Fromhold, McDonald, Ormsby, Wallace, Alexander, Sells and McIntire).
House Committee on Capital Budget
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
Washington adopts a biennial capital budget each odd-numbered year, appropriating moneys
for a variety of capital projects and programs. State agencies, including higher education
institutions, prepare and submit budget requests to the Office of Financial Management
(OFM) in the fall of each even-numbered year for consideration in the biennial capital
budget. The Governor evaluates the requests and submits a proposed budget to the
Legislature prior to the legislative session.
Washington has six public four-year institutions of higher education: the University of
Washington, Washington State University, Central Washington University, Eastern
Washington University, The Evergreen State College, and Western Washington University.
The state is budgeted to incur $356 million of new general obligation bond indebtedness
during the 2007-2009 fiscal biennium to support capital construction and renovation projects
at these institutions. Additionally, the state will expend $146 million from the Education
Construction Account, student building fees, and other cash accounts to finance capital
projects at the six four-year institutions.
Beginning in the 2005-2007 fiscal biennium, statute has required the six public institutions to
work together to prepare a unified budget proposal that ranks all of the institutions' individual
project proposals into a single prioritized list. The Higher Education Coordinating Board
(HECB) establishes common definitions, project categories, and general priorities that the
four-year institutions use in developing the prioritized list. The governing boards of each of
the six institutions review and approve the single prioritized list. If one or more of the
governing boards do not approve the proposed single list, the HECB is to prepare the
prioritized list.
In 2005 and 2007, the Legislature provided additional guidance to refine the methodology
used for the ranking of proposed four-year projects. Additional guidance included the
following: (1) greater emphasis must be placed on the early review of project proposals at
the pre-design phase and on the bow-wave implications of proposed projects; (2) the
assignment of points should not be based on assigning an equal number of overall points to
each four-year institution; (3) the ranking process must address statewide priorities; (4) the
comparable facility condition information developed by the Joint Legislative Audit and
Review Committee (JLARC) should be used; (5) projects must not be ranked on the basis of
a project's proposed funding source; and (6) an explanation of how proportionality factors
relate to statewide priorities must be provided to the Legislature.
The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) also recommends a single
prioritized list of all proposed community and technical college capital budget proposals.
Under the SBCTC system, colleges do not score their own projects; individual colleges do
not have the authority to veto the system-wide proposal; each project is scored and prioritized
within a single category according to its primary purpose; and system officials develop the
single prioritized list based on an assessment of the relative amount of resources that should
be devoted to each type of project, with the goal of providing for an orderly and sequential
expenditure pattern over the ensuing three biennia.
The HECB submits recommendations on the HECB's priorities and the proposed capital
budgets of the community and technical colleges and four-year institutions to the OFM by
October 1 of each even-numbered year, and to the Legislature by January 1 of each
odd-numbered year.
The current responsibilities of the HECB and the four-year institutions of higher education
with regard to prioritizing capital project proposals are repealed. Instead, the OFM, in
consultation with the legislative fiscal committees and the JLARC, must develop common
definitions and a scoring system and process that is to be used for scoring the four-year
institutions' project requests. The scoring system and process is based on the framework used
by the SBCTC.
By October 15 of each even-numbered year, the OFM must complete an objective analysis
and scoring of all capital budget projects proposed by the four-year institutions, in
consultation with the legislative fiscal committees, and must submit the results of its scoring
to the legislative fiscal committees, the HECB, and the four-year institutions. For 2008, the
analysis and scoring process must be completed by November 1.
Each proposed project is to be scored within a single project category according to its primary
purpose. The project categories are: (1) enrollment growth; (2) replacement and renovation;
(3) major campus infrastructure; (4) research projects that promote economic growth and
innovation; and (5) other project categories as determined by the OFM and the legislative
fiscal committees. The scoring of capital projects must occur within the context of
performance agreements developed between the OFM and the four-year institutions.
The OFM must distribute common definitions, the scoring system, and other information
required for project proposals and the scoring process as part of its biennial budget
instructions. For the 2009-11 budget development cycle, this information must be distributed
by the OFM by July 1, 2008.
In developing any scoring system for capital projects proposed by the four-year institutions,
the OFM may utilize independent services to verify, sample, or evaluate information
provided to the OFM by the four-year institutions.
By August 15 of each even-numbered year, beginning in 2008, each four-year institution
must prepare and submit prioritized lists of the individual projects proposed by the institution
for the ensuing six-year period in each project category. On a pilot basis, the OFM must
require one research university to prepare two separate prioritized lists for each category, one
for the main campus, and one covering all of the institution's branch campuses.
The HECB's capital budget recommendations to the Governor and Legislature must include
the relative share of the higher education capital budget that the HECB recommends be
assigned to each project category and to minor works program and preservation projects.
The OFM is required to conduct and submit a higher education capital facility financing
study to the Governor and Legislature by December 1, 2008. In designing and conducting the
study, the OFM must consult with legislative and fiscal committee leadership, the
Department of Revenue, the State Investment Board, the HECB, the SBCTC, and the four-year institutions of higher education. The study must include: (1) a review of the methods
that are used to fund higher education in other states; (2) an examination of alternatives for
reducing facility construction and maintenance expenditures per student through various
strategies; and (3) an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of potential new revenue
sources that might be applied to the funding of higher education facilities.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 94 0
Senate 49 0 (Senate amended)
House 97 0 (House concurred)
Effective: June 12, 2008