SB 5247

C 95 L 07
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Modifying provisions relating to superior court judicial positions.

Sponsors: Senators Spanel and Haugen; by request of Board For Judicial Administration.

Senate Committee on Judiciary
House Committee on Judiciary
House Committee on Appropriations

Background: The Legislature sets by statute the number of superior court judges in each county. The state and the counties share the costs of the superior courts. Benefits and one-half of the salary of a superior court judge are paid by the state. The other half of the judge's salary and all other costs associated with a judicial position, such as capital and support staff costs, are borne by the county. There are currently two superior court judges in the counties of San Juan and Island jointly.

Periodically, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) does a workload analysis of the
superior courts to determine if additional judicial positions are needed.

Summary: In the county of San Juan, there is one superior court judge and, in the county of Island, there are two judges of the superior court. The additional judicial position created by this act becomes effective only if: (1) the legislative authority of San Juan county documents its approval of the additional position and its agreement to pay the expenses of the position out of county funds, without reimbursement from the state; and (2) the legislative authority of Island county documents its approval and its agreement to pay, out of county funds, the expenses of the two judicial positions currently serving San Juan and Island counties jointly, without reimbursement from the state.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      42   0
House      94   1

Effective:   July 22, 2007