SB 6534

C 172 L 08
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Regarding the revision of mathematics standards.

Sponsors: Senators McAuliffe and Tom.

Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education
House Committee on Education

Background: Under current law, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) has the responsibility to develop and revise the essential academic learning requirements (student learning standards) that identify the knowledge and skills that public school students need to know and be able to do. The learning standards are based upon the student learning goals in statute. If the SPI proposes any modification to the student learning standards, then the SPI must, upon request, provide opportunities for the education committees of the Legislature to review the proposed modifications before the modifications are adopted.

During the 2007 Legislative Session, the Legislature directed the State Board of Education (SBE) to recommend to the SPI revised state learning standards in mathematics and science. The recommendations for the mathematics standards had to be provided to SPI by September 30, 2007. The SPI is required to revise the mathematics standards and grade level expectations by January 31, 2008, and present the revised standards to the SBE and the Legislature. The SPI must adopt the revised standards and grade level expectations unless otherwise directed by the Legislature during the 2008 Legislative Session.

Summary: The Legislature intends that the revised mathematics standards by the SPI will fortify content and increase rigor; provide greater clarity, specificity, and measurability of what is expected of students; supply more explicit guidance for educators, enhance the relevance of mathematics to students, and ultimately result in more Washington students having the opportunity to be successful in mathematics. Additionally, the revised standards should make clear the importance of all aspects of mathematics.

The SBE is directed to retain a national consultant to analyze the February 2008 version of revised mathematics standards from SPI and make specific recommendations for changes needed to finalize the standards. By May 15, 2008, the SBE must review the consultant's report, consult the Mathematics Advisory Panel, hold a public hearing, and direct any subsequent modifications to the consultant's report and recommendations, which are then forwarded to the SPI for implementation. The SPI must revise the mathematics standards to conform precisely to the SBE recommendations by July 1, 2008. By July 31, 2008, the SBE must either approve adoption by SPI of the final revised mathematics standards or develop a plan to ensure the recommendations are implemented so that final revised standards can be adopted by September 25, 2008.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      48   0
House      94   0   (House amended)
Senate      46   0   (Senate concurred)

Effective: March 26, 2008