HB 1131 - DIGEST

Declares an intent to create the passport to college promise program that will have two primary components, as follows: (1) Significantly increasing outreach to foster care youth between the ages of fifteen and eighteen regarding the higher education opportunities available to them, how to apply to college, and how to apply for and obtain financial aid; and

(2) Providing financial aid to former foster care youth to ensure that the entire costs of their public undergraduate college education are paid for.

Creates the passport to college promise program. The purpose of the program is: (1) To encourage current and former foster care youth to prepare for, attend, and successfully complete higher education; and

(2) To provide current and former foster care youth with the educational planning, information, institutional support, and direct financial resources necessary for them to succeed in higher education.

Directs the department of social and health services, with input from the state board for community and technical colleges, the higher education coordinating board, and institutions of higher education, to contract with at least one nongovernmental entity through a request for proposals process to develop, implement, and administer a program of supplemental educational transition planning for youth in foster care in Washington state.

Requires the state board for community and technical colleges to monitor and analyze the academic progress of community and technical college students who receive scholarships under this act, and submit a report regarding the number of community and technical college students who have received scholarships under this chapter and the academic progress of those students to the higher education committees of the senate and the house of representatives by January 15, 2010.

Requires the higher education coordinating board to monitor and analyze the academic progress of students enrolled at four-year institutions of higher education who receive scholarships under this chapter, and shall submit a report regarding the number of students who have received scholarships under this chapter and the academic progress of those students to the higher education committees of the senate and the house of representatives by January 15, 2010.

Appropriates the sum of three million dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, from the general fund to the office of financial management for the purposes of this act.

Appropriates the sum of three million dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, from the general fund to the office of financial management for the purposes of this act.