HB 1906-S - DIGEST

Provides that the governor shall appoint two advisory panels, one for mathematics and one for science. The mathematics and science advisory panels shall advise the state board of education regarding essential academic learning requirements, learning standards, and state-identified curricula in mathematics and science. The purpose of the panels is to enable an objective third-party review of the recommendations of the expert consultants under this act and to provide a public and transparent forum for considering learning standards and curricula in mathematics and science.

Creates the after-school mathematics support program to study the effects of intentional, skilled mathematics support included as part of an existing after-school activity program.

Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to provide grants to selected community-based, nonprofit organizations that provide after-school programs and include support for students to learn mathematics.

Requires grant applicants to demonstrate the capacity to provide assistance in mathematics learning in the following ways: (1) Identifying the mathematics content and instructional skill of the staff or volunteers assisting students;

(2) Identifying proposed learning strategies to be used, which could include computer-based instructional and skill practice programs and tutoring by adults or other students;

(3) Articulating the plan for connection with school mathematics teachers to coordinate student assistance; and

(4) Articulating the plan for assessing student and program success.

Directs the office of the superintendent of public instruction to evaluate program outcomes and report to the governor and the education committees of the legislature on the outcomes of the grants and make recommendations related to program continuation, program modification, and issues related to program sustainability and possible program expansion. An interim report is due November 1, 2008. The final report is due December 1, 2009.